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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Fitzgerald, John Francis (I491)
2 1 _APID 1,2280::0 Source (S7)
3 1 _APID 1,2442::0 Source (S16)
4 1 _APID 1,2469::0 Source (S8)
5 1 _APID 1,2703::0 Source (S4)
6 1 _APID 1,2704::0 Source (S11)
7 1 _APID 1,3693::0 Source (S17)
8 1 _APID 1,5180::0 Source (S13)
9 1 _APID 1,6061::0 Source (S6)
10 1 _APID 1,60901::0 Source (S20)
11 1 _APID 1,61459::0 Source (S14)
12 1 _APID 1,6224::0 Source (S15)
13 1 _APID 1,7364::0 Source (S3)
14 1 _APID 1,7488::0 Source (S18)
15 1 _APID 1,7602::0 Source (S2)
16 1 _APID 1,7884::0 Source (S1)
17 1 _APID 1,9089::0 Source (S10)
18 1 _APID 1,9105::0 Source (S12)
19 1 _APID 1,9131::0 Source (S5)
20 1-9
(From the files of Janice L.(Armstrong) Nicholas)

b. 8/16/1797
d. 3/27/1870 (?1871)
m. 5/1/1824  Sarah Hiner
b. 12/29/1805
d. 3/26/1869
Parents: Harmon & Jemima (McCoy) Hiner

Information in this file on George Armstrong has been taken from Morton's histories of Highland County, Virginia and Pendleton County, West Virginia. Some of it was taken from "The New History of Highland Co." and "The Bicentennial History of Bath Co., Virginia". Some of the dates were taken from grave stones, some data was found at the Akron branch of the LDS Genealogical Library, and the WV Heritage Encyclopedia. In 1990 I was given a copy of "The John Morgan Armstrong Family", complied by Robert H. Armstrong a g. grandson of George and Sarah (Hiner) Armstrong. Other information was found in Jerry Campbell's "My Loving Family".
George was mentioned in his fathers will which was dated June 9, 1820 and recorded in Pendleton County in 1821. "...The Mowry Place as it is known I will to my two sons James and George Armstrong and their heirs forever but if either of them should die without any lawful heirs then his division of land to fall to the place it was taken from..."


1-9-1 MARGARET ARMSTRONG m. Rev. Thomas Monroe
1-9-2 CLARISSA ARMSTRONG m. Died in infancy
1-9-3 HARMON ARMSTRONG m. Died in infancy
1-9-4 JOSIAH ARMSTRONG 1829-1864 m. Matherial E. Armstrong
1-9-5 NANCY ARMSTRONG 1831-1903 m. Benjamin T. Hook
1-9-6 SARAH J. ARMSTRONG 1833-1860 m. Samuel Siple
1-9-7 JOHN M. ARMSTROMG 1834-1912 m. Ester Agnes Hamilton
1-9-8 OLIVER ARMSTRONG 1836-1922 m. Elizabeth Jane Davis
1-9-9 JEMIMA ARMSTRONG 1838- m. Benjamin F. Jackson
1-9-10 LUCINDA ARMSTRONG 1841-1884 m. Osborne Wilson
1-9-11 MARY ARMSTRONG 1841- m. Single
1-9-12 MARTHA E. ARMSTRONG 1844- m. Jared M. Armstrong 1-9-13 GEORGE W. ARMSTRONG 1847-1910 m. Virginia S. Hiner

m. 2/18/1841 - Rev. Thomas Monroe
1-9-1-1 Mary V. Monroe
1-9-1-2 John E. Monroe
1-9-1-3 James H. Monroe
1-9-1-4 William Monroe
1-9-1-5 Wesley Watson Monroe
m. - Mary L. Hiner
1-9-1-6 Charles A. Monroe
1-9-1-7 Sarah E. Monroe

d. Died in Infancy

d. Died in Infancy

b. 7/21/1829
d. 9/14/1864
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
m. 2/8/1853  Matherial E. Armstrong (2-3-6)
b. 7/14/1832
d. 3/26/1918
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
Parents: Jared and Martha (Wilson) Armstrong
Matherial's father, Jared (2-3) was the son of WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG, the brother of our JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.

Josiah Armstrong was a Confederate soldier during the Civil War, Co. F., 25th Reg. He was captured and died in the Federal War prison at Elmira, N.Y.
1-9-4-1 Alfred Olin Armstrong
b. 3/5/1854
m. 9/17/1878  Ella V. Stalnaker (Greenbrier MD)
1-9-4-2 John Oliver Armstrong
b. 9/11/1855 - Dates from gravestone
d. 9/25/1937
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
m. 11/27/1883 - Harriet Adline Stein (of MD)
b. 6/5/1858
d. 11/24/1930
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
1-9-4-3 Emerson Wayne Armstrong
b. 3/20/1858
d. 4/9/1946
m. 9/25/1890 - Loretta Trimble
1-9-4-3-1 Olin Armstrong
1-9-4-3-2 Robert Armstrong
1-9-4-3-3 Jared Armstrong
1-9-4-3-4 Mary H. Armstrong
1-9-4-3-5 Edwin Armstrong
1-9-4-3-6 James Armstrong
1-9-4-4 Howard Wilson Armstrong
b. 8/20/1860
d. 4/24/1947
m. Single
Could this be the Howard Armstrong that came to visit Harvey Armstrong, son of William, Jr., at Frenchton, W. Va., and stayed 3 to 5 days each fall after harvest?
1-9-4-5 Josiah Hiner Armstrong, Jr.
b. 12/28/1864
d. 3/3/1948
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
m. 12/25/1894 - Lucinda (Louise) B. Hiner (1-4-11-6)
b. 7/6/1873
d. 3/11/1959
Bur: Doe Hill Cemetery
Parents: William & Elizabeth C. (Sanger) Hiner
Lucinda's father, William was the son of Jane (1-4) the daughter of JOHN AND AGNES ARMSTRONG. Information on the descendants of Josiah and Lucinda can be found under file #1-4-11-6.
b. 1/3/1831
d. 5/10/1903
m. 3/5/1852  Benjamin Templeton Hook
1-9-5-1 Robert Jasper Hook
1-9-5-2 George William Hook
1-9-5-3 Sarah Virginia Hook
1-9-5-4 Lucy Mae Hook
b. 5/9/1885
d. 8/28/1931
Bur: Cullom, IL
m. 5/15/1906 - Jacob Samuel Armstrong (1-12-9-7)
b. 2/19/1878 - Headwaters, VA
d. 6/6/1921
Parents: John E. & Barbara Ann (Crummett) Armstrong
Bur: Cullom, Il
Jacob's grandfather Samuel (1-12), and Lucy's grandfather George (1-9), were brothers, sons of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARNSTRONG. Information on Jacob and Lucy's descendants can be found in Chapter #3 under Jacob's file # 1-12-9-7.
1-9-5-5 Albert L. Hook
b. 9/30/1833
d. 10/18/1860
m. 11/25/1858  Samuel Siple (1-4-1-10) Pendleton Co.
Parents: Joel & Mary M. (Hiner) Siple.

Sarah's grandfather George (1-9) and Samuel's Grandmother Jane (1-4), were brother and sister, children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
Sarah was Samuels first wife, His second wife was Sarah Smith, they had 8 children.
More information under file #1-4-1-10.
1-9-6-1 Lee Siple
b. 2/4/1860
b. 8/25/1834
d. 3/29/1912
Bur: Big Valley, Virgiinia
m. 7/31/1860  Esther Agnes Hamilton
b. 7/13/1839
d. 5/17/1917
Bur: Big Vally, Virginia
Parents: Mustoe & Sarah A. (Wiley) Hamilton

John and Esther Armstrong moved from Doe Hill after the War Between the States and settled in Big Valley. John did not serve in the Confederacy because of a physical handicap, but two of his brothers Josiah and Oliver did. John Milton was a farmer and a well loved citizen of his community. John and Esther are buried in the apple orchard on the farm in Big Valley. Morton's histories list three children for John and Esther but the New History of Highland County says they had a family of nine. The "Bicentennial History of Bath Co. Virginia" page 114, gives a detailed report on the Hamilton Family and added dates and other information for this family.
1-9-7-1 Sallie Lewisa Jane Armstrong
b. 1/1/1862
d. 1/27/1885
m. Single
1-9-7-2 John Morgan Armstrong
b. 9/20/1863 (also found as 3/30/1864)
d. 6/20/1952
m. 3/6/1896 - Harriet Ayers Pruitt
1-9-7-2-1 John William Brian Armstrong
b. 1/30/1897
d. 1/31/1897
1-9-7-2-2 Lillian Grey Armstrong
b. 5/18/1898
d. 6/20/1900
1-9-7-2-3 Hettie Louvilla Armstrong
b. 11/14/1900
d. 6/1/1968
m. 6/20/1917 - Ellis Mead Gutshall
1-9-7-2-4 Savannah Virginia Armstrong
b. 2/20/1903
d. 6/29/1972
m. 5/7/1924 - Guy Crawford
1-9-7-2-5 Guy Morgan Armstrong
b. 2/24/1905
d. 6/5/1928
m. Single
1-9-7-2-6 Clyde Elbert Armstrong
b. 3/18/1907
d. 11/16/1975
m. - Jeanette Frances Crawford
1-9-7-2-7 Ward Alfred Armstrong
b. 7/13/1909
d. 10/13/1960
m. - Beatrice Lorine Fowlkes 1-9-7-2-8 Ester Agnes Armstrong
b. 9/25/1911
d. 8/6/1994
m. - Harry Riley Goad
1-9-7-3 Mary Lucy Armstrong
b. 3/30/1865
d. 6/6/1913
m. 2/24/1887 - Robert Carpenter
1-9-7-3-1 Ethel S. Carpenter
m. 10/14/1908 - Harvey Vess
1-9-7-3-2 Esther F. Carpenter
b. 7/29/1890
m. 3/30/1910 - Ford Faurote
1-9-7-3-3 Earlie Glenn Carpenter
b. 7/1/1893
d. 1972
m. 7/22/1914 - Mary May Gutshall
1-9-7-3-4 Odell Wesley Carpenter
b. 7/8/1897
1-9-7-3-5 Helen Myrtle Carpenter
b. 7/30/1898
m. 12/22/1915 - Herbert L. Carpenter
1-9-7-3-6 Lula Belle Carpenter
1-9-7-3-7 James R. Carpenter
1-9-7-4 Margater Della Armstrong
b. 4/13/1867
d. 2/19/1953
m. 5/10/1888 - Joseph Wilson Carpenter
b. 10/5/1857
d. 1/27/1934
Parents: Jared Morgan & Martha Jane (Robertson) Carpenter
1-9-7-4-1 Bertie Rae Carpenter
b. 9/3/1888
d. 7/30/1961
m. 12/26/1906 - William Allen Hite
1-9-7-4-2 David Russell Carpenter
b. 2/6/1890
d. 5/18/1971
m. 3/29/1911 - Flora Richardson Smith
1-9-7-4-3 Ira Guy Carpenter
b. 3/24/1892
d. 1/11/1918
m. Single
1-9-7-4-4 Georgia Esther Carpenter
b. 10/21/1894
d. 7/20/1897
1-9-7-4-5 Richard Miller Carpenter
b. 1/16/1898
m. Constance Lee
1-9-7-4-6 Frances Thacker Carpenter
b. 12/5/1921
d. 3/24/1966
1-9-7-4-7 Herman Morgan Carpenter
b. 10/31/1900
d. 7/15/1991
m. 8/11/1926 - Mary Trimble Bussard
1-9-7-4-8 Carrie Myrtle Carpenter
b. 7/17/1903
d. 5/3/1991
m.12/29/1926 - Orvie Mustoe Doyle
1-9-7-4-9 Gaylon Deloroy Carpenter
b. 6/16/1906
d. 5/20/1980
m. 5/5/1926 - Lottie Gutshall
1-9-7-4-10 Roscoe Wilson Carpenter
b. 11/5/1909
d. 3/28/1982
m. 11/28/1924 - Charlsene Ralston
1-9-7-4-11 Carpenter, Hazel Belva
b. 4/12/1913
m. 1/6/1930 - Max Guy Robertson
1-9-7-5 James H. Armstrong
b. 4/17/1869
d. 10/8/1926
m. 5/29/1890 - Ella Hicks (also found as Emma J.
1-9-7-5-1 Louvilla Blanch Armstrong
b. 8/24/1893
d. 4/23/1964
m. 11/30/1910 - George Ellsworth Corbett

1-9-7-6 Martha Irene Armstrong
b. 3/2/1871 (also found 5/2/1871)
d. 4/14/1953
m. 3/3/1889 - Andrew Jackson Terry, Sr.
1-9-7-6-1 John Alexander Terry
b. 1/2/1890
d. 5/12/1960
m. 10/7/1925 - Mary Louise Leach
1-9-7-6-2 Minnie Susan Terry
b. 4/3/1892
d. 9/9/1984
m. 5/21/1912 - Lucius Holmes Lockridge
1-9-7-6-3 William C. Terry
b. 4/3/1893
d. 8/?/1893
1-9-7-6-4 Earnest Harrison Terry
b. 5/25/1895
1-9-7-6-5 Emma Myrtle Terry
b. 8/12/1897
d. 6/5/1992
m. 1/25/1918 - Emory Moffit Lockridge
1-9-7-6-6 Elizabeth Mae Terry
b. 9/4/1902
d. 11/11/1979
m. - William Henry Lockridge
1-9-7-6-7 Harper Hamilton Terry
b. 8/20/1903
d. 2/12/1962
m. 11/14/1929 - Lora Christian Goodall
1-9-7-6-8 Clara Agnes Terry
b. 1/28/1911
m. 4/13/1924 - Clem Kenton McLaughlin
1-9-7-6-9 Andrew Jackson Terry, Jr.
b. 3/9/1914
d. 7/1/1982
m. 1/6/1933 - Annie Mae Sprouse
1-9-7-7 George William Armstrong
b. 5/8/1873
d. 9/4/1958
m. #1 Emma Mcnutt
#2 Mary Viola (NcNutt) Dickson
1-9-7-7-1 Ethel May Armstrong
b. 9/17/1897
d. 5/11/1962
m. 10/13/1929 - Edgar E. Harding
1-9-7-7-2 Clement Arnold Armstrong
b. 4/8/1901
d. 2/10/1958
m. 2/1/1926 - Ruth May Manuel
1-9-7-7-3 Donald Letcher Armstrong
b. 7/27/1903
d. 12/30/1930
1-9-7-7-4 Lona Lucille Armstrong
b. 2/5/1906
m. 12/25/1922 - George Butler Gutshall
1-9-7-7-5 Lloyd Marvin Armstrong
b. 9/30/1909
d. 5/27/1963
m. 1/29/1938 - Hazel Spongle
1-9-7-7-6 Louise Margarite Armstrong
b. 11/23/1912
m. 8/9/1935 - Howard Eugene Wood
1-9-7-7-7 Myron Weldon Armstrong
b. 2/10/1918
m. 6/21/1952 - Violet Jane Cary

1-9-7-8 Harmon Mustoe Armstrong
b. 1/14/1876
d. 7/13/1925
Bur: Hamilton Chapel Cemetery
m. 12/28/1878  Almerta Nickel Jack
d. 7/26/1926
Bur: Hamilton Chapel Cemetery
Parents: Andrew J. & Rebecca A. (Taylor) Jack

Harmon and Almerta were married at "The Wilderness" in Bath County Va. They lived in Bath County for a while and then went to reside with his parents in Big Valley, to care for them in their old age. Harmon was very active in the Hamilton Chapel Church. He became a talented Music Director and writer. Three of his hymns were included in "Pioneer Songs" published by the Virginia Advent Christian Conference in 1952. After the death of his parents, Harmon moved to Charlottesville, Va. In the report submitted by their daughter, ten children are listed in "The New History of Highland County" born to Harmon and Almerta Armstrong.
1-9-7-8-1 Wayman Wess Armstrong - No Children
b. 10/10/1900
d. 2/2/1967
m. 5/14/1930  Grace Willis Wade (Div)
1-9-7-8-2 Norman Hamilton Armstrong - No Children
b. 8/4/1902
d. 7/3/1967
m. 8/4/1927  Vivian Hackett
Norman served on the Charlottesville Police Force for many years and later was a car inspector of Chesapeake and Ohio Railway.
1-9-7-8-3 Truman Walter Armstrong
b. 12/27/1903
d. 7/10/1975
m.  Grace Crawford
Truman worked for many years for M.C. Thomas Furniture in Charlottesville, Va.
1-9-7-8-4 Rita Esther Armstrong - 4 Children
b. 7/18/1905
m. 10/30/1930  Ervine Stewart Leach
1-9-7-8-5 Alma Dessel Armstrong - 1 Child
b. 10/28/1909
m. #1 11/30/1929  Milford Dudley Morris
d. 3/26/1971
#2 5/20/1978  William A. Cooke
1-9-7-8-6 Doris Edna Armstrong - 2 Children, lives in
b. 12/25/1914 Florida
m. 8/6/1930  Daniel Clark (in Florida)
d. 12/2/1967
1-9-7-8-7 Amelia Fox Armstrong - 1 Child
b. 12/5/1916
m. #1  Marion Harrison Long (Div)
#2 10/23/1970  James Aubrey Hunt
1-9-7-8-8 Milton Lee Armstrong - No Children
b. 1/20/1920
m. 3/2/1940 #1  Emma Elizabeth Seivers
d. 1978
#2 12/4/1979  Lee Nell Lanum
During World War II Milton served in the Marines and was in the Battle of Iwo Jima. After his military service, he returned to the Charlottesville Police Force for a number of years. He later became a Painting Contractor. He has since retired and resides near Williamsville, Va.
1-9-7-8-9 Stanley Harmon Armstrong - 4 Children
b. 10/31/1921
m. 10/31/1947  Ollie Fisher
Stanley served with the Seabees in the Pacific Theater during World War II. He also served in the Naval Reserves in Newfoundland 19501952. He has been employed by Dupont Co. for many years and resides in Grifton, NC.

1-9-7-8-10 Phyllis Gray Armstrong - 1 Child
b. 5/7/1925
m. 10/21/1943  Downing Cox, Jr.
Phyllis submitted information in the "New History of Highland Co." She lives in Earlysville, Virginia.
1-9-7-8-10-1 Timothy Gordon Cox
b. 4/12/1959
1-9-7-9 Charles Reese Armstrong
b. 5/26/1878
d. 7/3/1934
m. - Cecil Clara Faurote
1-9-7-9-1 Lola Mozetta Armstrong
b. 4/7/1901
d. 4/27/1978
m. 7/9/1919 - Reese Coleman Armstrong

1-9-7-9-2 Elsie Esther Armstrong
b. 10/26/1902
d. 10/26/1982
m. 5/12/1920 - George Morgan Carpenter

1-9-7-9-3 Charles Elliot Armstrong
b. 5/13/1904
d. 12/5/1972
m. 10/5/1929 - Ollie Ethel Terry

1-9-7-9-4 Lawrence Gibson Armstrong
b. 3/3/1906
d. 1/6/1982
m. 4/21/1930 - Juanita Allene Phillips

1-9-7-9-5 Johnnie Clarence Armstrong
b. 12/9/1907
d. 6/6/1967
m. 8/27/1934 - Edith India Loan

1-9-7-9-6 Delani Myrtle Armstrong
b. 8/19/1909
m. 1/9/1926 - Joseph Welford Cash

1-9-7-9-7 Walter Beson Armstrong
b. 4/18/1916
d. 4/19/1916

1-9-7-9-8 Thelma Christina Armstrong
b. 4/13/1921
d. 1/23/1950
m. 3/31/1932 - Howard Claude Grimes
b. 2/15/1836 - Doe Hill, Va.
d. 8/23/1922
Bur: Midland, Cemetery, Midland Va.
m. 11/17/1859  Elizabeth Jane Davis  Of Pendleton Co.
Parents: John and Sena Davis, Jr.

Oliver grew up about a mile south of Doe Hill, Va. on his father's farm, was a soldier in the 62nd Va. Regiment in the war between the states. Moved to Fauquier County after the war. I have included some data on this family but for more information SEE "THE JOHN MORGAN FAMILY", By Robert H. Armstrong.
1-9-8-1 Harmon D. Armstrong
b. 10/3/1860
d. 10/2/1945
1-9-8-2 Ruhama C. Armstrong
b. 11/13/1861
d. 1933
m. 11/3/1980 - George William Trumbo (of Brandywine)
1-9-8-3 John Morgan Armstrong
b. 4/3/1863 - Doe Hill, Va.
d. 9/26/1936
Bur: Queens Point Cemetery, Keyser, WV
m. 8/14/1888 - Rose Etta Harmam
Parents: John H. & Mary (Ritchie) Harman
At and early age John Morgan went to live with his grandfather, John Davis, Jr., of Brandywine, WV. He obtained his teaching certificate and taught for many years. He went into the mercantile business, " Harman & Armstrong", as a pardner with his father-in-law, in Macksville and Upper Tract, WV. He bought out his father-in-law and renamed the firm "J.M. Armstrong and Co". Robert H. Armstrong wrote in great detail about his father and family in "THE JOHN MORGAN FAMILY".
1-9-8-3-1 Mable Gladys Armstrong
b 7/23/1889
m. #1 Wesley Loar
#2 Caleb J. White
1-9-8-3-2 Clement Ritchie Armstrong
b. 5/6/1891
m. - Hazel Adams

1-9-8-3-3 Robert Harman Armstrong
b. 11/1/1893
m. - Susan Elizabeth Abernathy
Robert Harman Armstrong is the authur of "THE JOHN MORGAN FAMILY".
1-9-8-3-4 Florence Violet Armstrong
b. 1/15/1898
m. - George J. Selvey
1-9-8-3-5 Ida Evangeline Armstrong
b. 6/14/1901
d. 10/14 1901
1-9-8-3-6 Herbert Morgan "Mike" Armstrong
b. 3/16/1902
d. 3/22/1972
m. Elizabeth Hutson
1-9-8-4 Sarah Virginia "Jennie" Armstrong
b. 10/18/1865
d. 12/23/1923
1-9-8-5 Robert L. Armstrong
b. 6/17/1867
d. 9/4/1890
m. Single
1-9-8-6 Jefferson C. Armstrong  Moved to Rockingham Co.
b. 1/25/1869
m. - Annie E. Lamb
1-9-8-6-1 Loar Thomas Armstrong
1-9-8-6-1-1 Nelson L. Armstrong
1-9-8-6-1-1-1 David Armstrong
1-9-8-6-1-1-2 Richard Armstrong
1-9-8-6-1-1-3 Paul Douglas Armstrong
m. 6/6/1981  Bonnie Marie Taylor
1-9-8-6-1-2 Wilmer Armstrong
1-9-8-6-1-3 Ruth Armstrong
m.  Milton Kisling
1-9-8-7 George Harrison "Harry" Armstrong
b. 9/13/1870
d. 1942
m. 1/12/1893 - Mary A O'Roark
1-9-8-7-1 Raymond Armstrong
m. Nellie ?
1-9-8-8 Laban B. Armstrong
b. 12/2/1872
d. 1959
m. - Minnie Miller 1-9-8-9 Henderson G. Armstrong
b. 6/19/1875
d. 1/31/1940
m. - Annie E. Heavner
1-9-8-9-1 William Oliver Armstrong

1-9-8-10 Annie A. Armstrong
b. 8/3/1877 (also found as 8/23/1877)
d. 1949
m. - ? Johnson
1-9-8-11 Martha J. "Mattie" Armstrong
b. 4/15/1879
d. 1/31/1916
m. - Herbert Johnson
1-9-8-12 Lucie Ollie Armstrong
b. 1/16/1881
d. 11/16/1949
m. - Jacob Grohs
b. 1838
m. 4/2/1872  Benjamin F. Jackson, Sr. (of NC)
Parents: Benjamin M. & Prima (West) Jackson

This information on Jemima Armstrong has been taken from"The West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia", Volume #3, page 50.
Jemima was the second wife of Benjamin F. Jackson, who's first wife was her distant cousin, Ruth Wilson, the daughter of Samuel and Jane (Armstrong) Wilson. Jane (Armstrong) Wilson was the daughter of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
Benjamin F. Jackson was born in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, the son of Benjamin M. and Prima (West) Jackson. At the age of 11 years he left his native State and accompanied an uncle to Indiana, where he lived until he attained his majority. He then made the journey from Indiana to North Carolina, in 1840, on horseback, and settled in Pendleton County (then) Virginia, where he married his first wife, Ruth, on July, 22, 1841 and engaged in farming, tanning and a general mercantile trade.

Benjamin and Ruth had 10 children: John S., born March 12, 1843; Virginia J., October 19, 1844; Hannah E., July 8, 1847; Indiana M., July 18, 1850, Ohio M., June 3, 1852; Nebraska D., May 16, 1854; William K., June 27, 1856; Samuel L., May 21, 1862; Andrew H., March 3, 1865: Edgar H., May 10, 1867. After Ruth's death Benjamin married Jemima and they lived near Dunmore, Pocahontas County, West Virginia. They farmed, raised stock and had 5 children.
Robert H. Armsstrong's "THE JOHN MORGAN FAMILY", says Jemima and Benjamin went to North Carolina in 1872.

1-9-9-1 Mary Nettie Jackson
b. 3/9/1872
1-9-9-2 Clarence Jackson
b. 10/30/1874
1-9-9-3 Benjamin F. Jackson, Jr.
b. 12/4/1876
1-9-9-4 George A. Jackson
b. 7/23/1879
1-9-9-5 Ira H. Jackson
b. 8/16/1882
b. 7/1/1841 (? 1842)  Pendleton Co.
d. 2/23/1884
m. 10/18/1875  Osborne Wilson
1-9-10-1 Frank Wilson
b. 7/11/1876
d. 11/13/1911
m. 6/19/1907 - Phoeba Dice Jones
1-9-10-2 Nora Wilson
b. 10/27/1878
d. 12/30/1940
m. 8/28/1907 - John Lantz McNeal
1-9-10-3 James Ray Wilson
b. 2/24/1880
d. 12/21/1952
m. Single
1-9-10-4 Sarah Wilberta Wilson
b. 1/11/1882
d. 1/25/1965
m. 6/23/1915 - Clarence Reed Lacy
1-9-10-5 Mary Lucinda Wilson
b. 2/7/1884
d. 12/20/1965
m. Single
b. 7/1/1841 (? 1842) - Pendleton Co.
d. 8/23/1888
b. 1844 - (also found 11/21/1846)
d. 6/24/1912
m. 11/7/1867  Jared Miller Armstrong (1-3-3-1)
b. 1843
Parents: Able H. & Mary A. (Wilson) Armstrong
Martha's father, George (1-9), and Jared's grandfather, Jared, (1-3) were brothers, the sons of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
1-9-12-1 Willie M. Armstrong
b. 3/28/1869
b. 2/14/1848
d. 7/23/1910
m. 11/25/1873 - Virginia Susan Hiner
1-9-13-1 Infant son unnamed
b. 11/8/1874
d. at birth
1-9-13-2 Bessie M. Armstrong
b. 11/13/1875
d. 9/2/1929
m. - Albert Leonard
1-9-13-3 Blanche Armstrong
1-9-13-4 Addie Grace Armstrong
b. 3/10/1880
d. 3/7/1909
m. Single
1-9-13-5 Earnest Hiner Armstrong
b. 2/27/1882
d. 6/19/1926
1-9-13-6 Norman Armstrong
1-9-13-7 Forrest Armstrong
b. 6/1/1886
1-9-13-8 Maude Armstrong
b. 8/1/1888
1-9-13-9 Glenn O. Armstrong
1-9-13-10 No Name Female (Twin)
b. 4/28/1895
d. at birth
1-9-13-11 No Name Female (Twin)
b. 4/28/1895
d. at birth 
Armstrong, George Washington (I3740)

Boss, Elizabeth (I225)
22 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I648)
23 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I544)

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Arthur J. 
Finks, Arthur James (I333)

Note-Bill Armstrong, Arizona,another source shows John Jr. as being named John J.P. Armstrong. *****There is a PROBLEM with the children as his records show the last two children by the first wife as being older than the two children by his second wife!!! NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION- read on in Janice's files. JHA3/2003. I believe John J.P.(married to Margaret Jones is a different John from the one married to Elizabeth Parrett.JHA112/2003.

(from the files of Janice Armstrong Nicholas)

b. 1790
m. 1812 - Margaret Jones

In Morton's books, "The History of Highland County Virginia" and "The History of Pendleton County West Virginia", the author says that John Armstrong married Margaret Jones in 1812 and moved to Ohio.

John was mentioned in his fathers will, dated June 9, 1820.
"...I desire there shall be a sale made as soon as convenient, for to raise the sum of one hundred pounds with what paper money I may have at my death for my son John, who lives in the State of Ohio. If he should be living, when we hear from him. If he should be dead, I will to each of his heirs fifty dollars...."

While searching in the Akron Branch of the LDS Genealogical Library I found a listing for a John Armstrong married in Augusta County, Virginia, to a Margaret Jones in 1825. After sending for more information, I found this could not be the John Armstrong I am looking for. His father was John Armstrong, but his mother was listed as Mary Crawford, not Agnes "Nancy" (Ervine) Armstrong. The listing had been submitted by Alda C. Call, Brigham City, Utah 84302.

In the HARDESTY COUNTY Supplement of the "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedias", published by Jim Comstock of the "West Virginia Hillbilly", I found reference to a John "J. P." Armstrong that was married to a Margaret Jones. He was a teacher and a doctor. He lived in Lewis County near Weston, in Jackson County near Ripley and in Roane County near Spencer. He had at least one daughter and three sons, Lenox C. (killed in the Civil War), Matthias B., and Jacob Lorentz, all very influential in the history of that area of West Virginia. When the will of John Armstrong was written in 1820, this John "J.P." Armstrong was living in Lewis County (then) Virginia, not in "the State of Ohio".
I can not prove that John "J.P." Armstrong was the son of JOHN and AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. 
Armstrong, John (I3737)
from the files of Janice Armstrong Nicholas

b. 11/2/1787 - Augusta County
d. 1857
Bur: ArmstrongHiner Cemetery, Moyers, W. Va.
m. 1808 Joseph Hiner
b. 1778
d. 1865
Bur: ArmstrongHiner Cemetery, Moyers, W. Va.
Parents: John and Magdalena (Burner) Hiner

The list of children for Joseph and Jane (Armstrong) Hiner was found in Morton's books "The History of Highland County Virginia", and "The History of Pendleton County West Virginia. Other information was given to me by family members.

Joseph's father, Capt. John Hiner, was a native of near Hamburg, Germany. He bought the Hiner Homestead in November 1774. The farm was later bisected by the PendletonHighland County line. Jane was mentioned in her fathers will. She was to get ten dollars to be raised out of his estate.


1-4-1 MARY MARGALENA HINER 1809-1858 m. Joel Siple
1-2-2 NANCY HINER -1884 m. Kee W. Hively
1-4-3 SAMUEL HINER 1811-1878 m. Christina Michael
1-4-4 MARGARET HINER 1813-1907 m. Charles Wilson
1-4-5 MAHALA HINER m. George Siple
1-4-6 JANE B. HINER 1817-1887 m. John T. Armstrong 1-4-7 JOHN HINER m.
1-4-8 JOSEPH HINER, JR. 1821-1882 m. Mahala Armstrong
1-4-9 SARAH HINER -1905 m. Single
1-4-10 GEORGE HINER 1825-1915 m. Lucinda B Armstrong
1-4-11 WILLIAM HINER 1827-1905 m.
1-4-12 AMANDA HINER m. Single
1-4-13 CLARISSA HINER 1836-1916 m. Jacob K. Taylor

b. 1/22/1809
d. 8/9/1858 (? 1855)
m. 5/13/1828 - Joel Siple
Joel Siple was from Shenandoah County and found in Highland Co. in 1834, moved to Pendleton County in 1862. Morton's History of Pendleton Co., page 295, lists 14 children for Joel and Mary Margalena (Hiner) Siple.
1-4-1-1 George Siple
m . - in Pocahantas Co.
1-4-1-2 Caroline Siple
m. - John Roberson (of Pendleton Co.)
1-4-1-3 Jane Siple
m. Robert Wolfenbarger - moved to Illinois 1-4-1-4 William Siple
d. 1861 - Killed in Civil War
m. - Mary Lough (of Pendleton Co.)
1-4-1-5 Mary M. Siple
m. Joseph H. Armstrong (1-3-5-3)
b. 6/ /1846
Parents: John T. & Jane B. (Hiner) Armstrong
Joseph's grandfather, Jared (1-3) and Mary's grandmother, Jane (1-4), were brother and sister. Children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. The descendants of John T. and Mary are listed under Joseph Armstrong, 1-3-5-3.
1-4-1-6 John Siple
m. In Illinois
1-4-1-7 Abraham Siple
m. - ?? Albemarle
1-4-1-8 Hannah Siple - moved to Rockingham Co.
m. - Lough Wagoner - in Pendleton Co.
1-4-1-9 Josiah H. Siple
m. - Rachel Beaver (of Pendleton Co.)
1-4-1-9-1 Charles Siple
m. - Emma Hiser (of Rockingham Co.)
1-4-1-9-2 Annie Siple
1-4-1-9-3 Augusta V. Siple
1-4-1-9-4 Mary M. Siple
m. - Perry Martin
1-4-1-9-5 Minnie Siple  Twin to Theodore
1-4-1-9-6 Theodore Siple  Twin to Minnie
1-4-1-9-7 Maud Siple
1-4-1-10 Samuel Siple
m. #1 1858 Sarah Armstrong (1-9-9)
b. 9/30/1833
d. 10/18/1860
Parents: George & Sarah (Hiner) Armstrong.
#2 Sarah Smith
Samuel's grandmother, Jane (1-4), and Sarah's father, George (1-9), were brother and sister, children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
CHILDREN of Samuel by #1 Sarah (Armstrong) Siple 1-4-1-10-1 Lee Siple
b. 2/4/1860
CHILDREN of Samuel by #2 Sarah (Smith) Siple
1-4-1-10-2 Mary M. Siple
m. - Charles E. Simpson
1-4-1-10-3 Cora Siple
m. - William Wagoner
1-4-1-10-4 Preston T. Siple
1-4-1-10-5 Cosmos Siple
m. - Carrie Wagoner
1-4-1-10-6 Lena Siple
m. - Hugh Kimble
1-4-1-10-7 John Siple
John Siple was a Corporal and a guard at San Francisco during the days following the big earthquake.
1-4-1-10-8 Etta M. Siple
m. - Otho Byrd
1-4-1-10-9 Edward L. Siple
1-4-1-11 J. Madison Siple
m. - In Pocahontas Co.
1-4-1-12 Unnamed Baby Girl (Twin)
1-4-1-13 Unnamed Baby Girl (Twin)
1-4-1-14 Hiram K. Siple
m. 1876 - Rebecca Sion
d. 10/1/1884
m. 12/30/1833 - Kee W. Hively (of Pendleton Co)
b. 1811
d. 1878
m. 1855 - Christina Michael (of WV)
b. 9/19/1813
d. 12/21/1907
m. - Charles Wesley Wilson
m. 6/29/1832 - George Siple
1-4-5-1 Joseph Siple
m.  Amanda Siron
1-4-5-1-1 Joseph G. Siple
m. 1901 - Nettie G. Crowley
1-4-5-1-2 George F. Siple
b. 1864
m. 1891 - Jane Whistleman
1-4-5-1-3 Mary Siple
d. Died in youth
1-4-5-1-4 William Siple - A Physician
1-4-5-1-5 Radie Siple
m. - in California
1-4-5-1-6 Louie Virginia Siple
b. 1879
d. 1964
m. - Jacob Hoover Armstrong (1-3-5-2)
b. 1880
d. 1948
Louie was the second wife of Jacob Hoover Armstrong, his first wife was her sister, Bertie (1-4-5-1-7). Louie and Jacob had two sons. See information under Jacob (1-3-5-2).
1-4-5-1-7 Bertie Estelle Siple
m. - Jacob Hoover Armstrong (1-3-5-2)
Bertie was the first wife of Jacob H. Armstrong, his second wife was her sister Louie (1-4-5-1-6. Bertie and Jacob had four children. See information under Jacob (1-3-5-2).
1-4-5-2 Magdalena Siple
m. - William Kiser (of Pendleton Co.)
1-4-5-3 Conrad Siple
m. - Margaret Bodkin
1-4-5-4 Floyd Siple
m. - Married in Ohio
1-4-5-5 Lee Siple
m. - Delilah Crummett
1-4-5-5-1 J. Grover Siple
m. 1910 - Mabel Blagg
b. 3/17/1817 - Pendleton Co. VA (now WV)
d. 6/27/1887 - Highland Co. VA
m. 10/18/1840 - John Thomas Amstrong (1-3-5)
b. 6/29/1817
d. 10/2/1893
Parents: Jared & Agnes (Hiner) Armstrong

Jane and John were cousins. Jane's mother, Jane (1-4) and John's father, Jared (1-3) were children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. See information under (1-3-5) John Thomas Armstrong.
b. 5/9/1821
d. 1/10/1882
m. 2/17/1848 - Mahala Armstrong
NOTE: Could this be a mistake?? I show a Mahulda Armstrong #1-3-6 married to a Joseph Hiner.
1-4-8-1 Grandville Hiner
m. - Laura Armstrong
1-4-8-2 Hettie Hiner
d. 1905
m. Single
b. 1825
d. 1915
m. 8/28/1849 - Lucinda Barbara Armstrong (1-3-9)
b. 1826
Parents: Jared & Agnes (Hiner) Armstrong.
George's mother, Jane (1-4), and Lucinda's father, Jared (1-3), children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. See information under 1-3-9 Lucinda B. Hiner.

b. 1827
d. 1905
m. 1856 - Elizabeth C. Sanger (of Pendleton Co.)

William and Elizabeth lived at the dividing line. Water from the house drained into the Potomac River, from the barn it drained into the James River. More information on the descendants of Wm. and Elizbeth Hiner can be found on page 154, "The New History of Highland Co. Va."

1-4-11-1 Susan J. Hiner
d.  Died at 9 years of age
1-4-11-2 Joseph H. Hiner
b. 1864
m. - Mary Estelle Wilson
1-4-11-2-1 Josephine Elizabeth Hiner
b. 1893
m. - Sidney C. Ervine
1-4-11-2-2 Bruce Wilson Hiner
b. 1896
d. Killed by lighting at age 21
1-4-11-2-3 William Paul Hiner
b. 1899
m. - Stella Maloy
b. 1920
d. 1955
1-4-11-2-3-1 Dick Maloy Hiner
b. 1931
m. 1951 - Kate Beverage
1-4-11-2-3-1-1 Ann Hiner
b. 1953
m. - Larry Propst
1-4-11-2-3-1-1-1 Daniel Trevor Propst
b. 1979
1-4-11-2-3-1-1-2 Katie Ann Propst
b. 1980
1-4-11-2-3-1-2 Betty Sue Hiner
b. 1956
m. - Harvey Eye
1-4-11-2-3-1-2-1 Jonathon Lewis Eye
b. 1979
1-4-11-2-3-1-2-2 Mathew Lane Eye
b. 1982

1-4-11-2-3-1-3 William Ralph Hiner
b. 1959
1-4-11-2-3-1-4 James Maloy Hiner
b. 1967

1-4-11-3 John T. Hiner
m. - Mary Siron

1-4-11-4 Lydia F. Hiner
b. 1869
d. 1905
m. - J.M. Jones

1-4-11-5 George Dan Hiner
m. - Flora Anderson

1-4-11-6 Lucinda Barbara Hiner (Dates from gravestones)
b. 7/6/1873
d. 3/11/1959
Bur: Doe Hill, VA
m. 1894  Josiah Hiner Armstrong Jr. (1-9-4-5) &
b. 12/28/1864 (2-3-6-5)
d. 3/3/19488
Bur: Doe Hill, VA
Parents: Josiah and Matherial E. Armstrong
Josiah's mother Matherial, (2-3-6) was the daughter of Jared and Martha (Wilson) Armstrong LINE OF WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG, his father Josiah Sr. (1-9-4), was the son of George (1-9) and Sarah (Hiner) Armstrong, LINE OF JOHN & AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.

1-4-11-6-1 Mason Armstrong
d. 12/16/1962
m. - Edna Frances Stockdale
b. 3/9/1909
d 9/19/1984
1-4-11-6-1-1 Ethel Lucinda Armstrong
b. 4/22/1931
m. - H.I. Wilson
1-4-11-6-1-2 Alfred Olin Armstrong
b. 10/27/1933
1-4-11-6-1-3 William R. Armstrong
m. - Shirley Simmons
1-4-11-6-1-4 Josiah (Joe) Armstrong

1-4-11-6-2 Elizabeth Armstrong
m. - Weldon Shiflett
1-4-11-6-2-1 Robert Josiah Shiflett
b. 2/5/1928
1-4-11-6-2-2 Weldon Armstrong Shiflett - Rt. #1, Box 173
b. 8/17/1930 Grottoes, VA 24441
m. - Josephine Kline
1-4-11-6-2-2-1 Larry Shiflett
1-4-11-6-2-2-2 Martha Shiflett
1-4-11-6-2-2-3 Elizabeth Ann Shiflett
1-4-11-6-3 Rudolph Hiner Shiflett

1-4-11-7 Martin S. Hiner
m. - Bell Neff (of Augusta Co.)

1-4-11-8 David K. Hiner
m. - Millie Siple


b. 7/4/1836
d. 1/7/1916
m. 7/8/1858 - Jacob Knicely Taylor

Armstrong, Jane (I3736)
BIR,MG,DTH: Paul W Henderson

1830 CENSUS: ALBlount Co, Ala:

1850 CENSUS: AL,Blount Co-Subdiv 18: Anc Img 60 pg 23,11-23,Dw 387,388:
HALLMARK, Minatt 58/TN farmer ($1600); Mary 53TN; Asbury 24/AL;
Manila 23/AL; Martha 21/AL; Richard 19/AL; Unice 17/AL;
Louisa 18/AL; Arlena 13/AL; Melissa 10/AL

1860 CENSUS: Blount Co, Ala:

ORD: IGI 8227102/82, film 0884888 shows 24 Feb 1983,5 & 10 Mar 1983-SEATT; IGI
1760755 shows 30 Oct 1991, 9 & 21 Nov 1991 DALLA. MG SS: 5 Sep 1991 DALLA
showing Minett to Mary P Calvert 1818/TN 
Hallmark, Mynatt (I3099)
BIR,MG,DTH: Paul W Henderson

1830 CENSUS: Blount Co, Ala:

1850 CENSUS: MISS,Tishomingo Co-So Div: Anc Img 152, pg 71,11-24,Dw 965,965:
HALLMARK, Jesse 58/TN farmer ($1800); Mary 40/VA; Emily A 21/AL;
Emeline M 11/AL 
Hallmark, Jessie (I3100)
BIR,MG,DTH: Paul W Henderson. Also Fay Chambers

1850 CENSUS: AL,Blount Co-Subdiv 18: Anc Img 60 pg 23,11-23,Dw 388,389:
HALLMARK, Stephen 26/AL farmer; Mary Ann 28/AL; Martha 8/AL;
Mary 4/AL; Ellinder 2/AL; William 1/AL 
Hallmark, Stephen B (I3172)
census records of 1950 shows Emanuel Simmons being born in 1827--if so his mother would have been 57 years old. Could she have died and his father remarrried? Further research is needed. JHA 9/2000. Patty Jensen records shows his birth date as 1812. Am merging him under the 1827 birth date. 
Simmons, Emanuel (I4183)
Land grant cancelled in 1874 by Hiram in Kennesaw Co. Kansas 
Stonehocker, Hiram M. (I49)
Sources: Family history; Family Bible; Pendleton County History. After marriage Philip moved to Pocahontas County, W.Va. and died in Hardy County, W.Va. He said he was born in Va. and died in W.Va. without ever leaving home!! He was a drum major in the Civil War. 
Heltzel, Philip H. (I1564)
This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. 
Source (S1)
Wife Alice, was from the family that produced Patrick Calhoun. Alice was a
sister of James Calhoun, and aunt of Patrick Calhoun.
Source-LDS Ancestral Files
Source-Chronicles of the Armstrongs, p. 368

After Alice's death, it is believed that Robert married Martha Holmes in
Lancaster Co., Pa. in 1755 children William born 1760, John born 1762 died 8-1-1809 and son Charles born 1783, Joseph born 1764

Source-Roberts "Will" nameing Martha as his wife, probated in Augusta Co.,

The Calhoun family came to America in 1723, settling first in Lancaster Co., Pa., later moved to Augusta Co., Va. On 3 April 1749, James Calhoun bought 640 acres on Reed Creek, Augusta Co., Va. and his wife Catherine. On 3 Apr. 1749, James Calhoun bought 640 acres on Reed Creek, Augusta Co.,
Va. In Feb. 1756 the Calhoun family, James, Ezekiel, William, Patrick, and
sister Mary, widow of John Noble, and their mother Catherine, widow of James
Calhoun removed to S.C. They settled on Long Cane Creek, about 14 miles from
Anderson S.C. Some of the family were in the Indian Massacre of Long Cane
settlement, and a statue marks the spot.
Source-Notable Southern Families by Zella Armstrong p.p.9,12,16,&20.

Bill Armstrong
Kingman, Az. 
Calhoun, Alice (I3775)
35 NOTE: I copied this information from "Hardesty's West Virginia (Janice L. Nicholas)
Counties", Vol. #3, page 105.
JOHN KNICELEY - son of Jacob and Ann Kniceley, was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, October 20, 1807. In Pendleton, County of Virginia, in 1827, he united in marriage with Nancy Armstrong, who was a daughter of John and Ann (Irvine) (Should read AGNES "NANCY" ERVINE) Armstrong, and was born in Pendleton County October 22, 1802. The children of Mr. and Mrs John Kniceley were born : Samuel E., August 26, 1828; James A., June 22 1830; Ann E.,May 23, 1832; George H., April 1, 1834; John T., December 3, 1835; Jacob D., September 16, 1838, died July 23,1839; Mary Jane, June 12, 1840, died January 26, 1858; Joseph H., Febuary 19, 1843; William N., August 24, 1846; Daniel B., May 23, 1848  all the living children are in Braxton County. In 1862, John Kniceley and trhee of his sons, Samuel, Joseph and William, enlisted in the Federal Army, Company F, 10th West Virginia Infantry and all served until honorably discharged May 5, 1865. John Kniceley is a second time married, Nancy Haymond the maiden name of his second wife, and their children: Archibald M, born May 18, 1867; Melinda A., June 6, 1869; Ruhama R., November 4, 1871, died August 24, 1877; Ola U., April 18, 1875. Mr. Kniceley united with the Presbyterian Church in 1853, and his wife had been a member of the Methodist Protestant Church since 1855. He settled in Braxton County in the Fall of 1846, and has dovoted his entire time, except what he gave to his country's service, to farming and improving land in Holly District. His post office address is Flat Woods, Braxton County, West Virginia. (This sketch was written in the late 1880's. John Kniceley died on June 7, 1891.)
Buried: Hutchison Cemetery, Flatwoods, West Virginia

From the files of Janice L. (Armstrong) Nicholas 
Kniceley, John Samuel (I3752)
At the christening was 'madrina' Getrudis Castañeda. 
Castañeda, Joseph Ygnacio Theodoro Gerardo de (I5502)


Marine Aircraft Groups Starling flew with:

1. 1ST MAW – VMF-121 – MAG-12
2. 1ST MAW – VMF-121 – MAG-14
3. 1ST MAW – VMF-121 – MAG-11
6. 2ND MAW – VMF(N) 542 – MAG-55
7. 2ND MAW -- MNFS 542 – MAG 31
8. VNF(N) 542 – MAG 45
Hall, Starling Lowell (I1)
Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848
about Ann Eliza Benson

Name: Ann Eliza Benson

Relationship to Primary Person: Child

Birth Date: 25 Dec 1858

Birth Place: Springville, Utah, Utah, USA

Household Members:

Name Relation

James Benson Self (Head)
Almira Jordan Spouse
Alva James Benson Child
Lucy Alvira Benson Child
Cynthia Izora Benson Child
Henrietta Benson Child
Ann Eliza Benson Child
James Benson Child

Source Information: Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
Original data:
Black, Susan Easton, compiler. Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830?1848. 50 vols. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center, 1989. Private Donor.
Family F462
Utah Cemetery Inventory
about Elizabeth Briggs Welch Madson Ellsworth Briggs

Elizabeth Briggs Welch Madson Ellsworth Briggs
Gender: F (Female)
Birth Date: 21 Dec 1799
Birth Place: Walton Parish, Derbyshire, England
Death Date: 7 Jan 1867

Cemetery: Willard Pioneer Cemetery
Source: Merlene Braegger
Relatives: Child Welch, William

Utah State Historical Society, comp.. Utah Cemetery Inventory [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: Utah State Historical Society. Utah Cemetery Inventory. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: 2000. 
Briggs, Elizabeth (I134)
Name: Allen S. Fitch
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 20 Apr 1853
Event Place: Erie, Ohio, United States
Spouse's Name: Elizabeth Schuyler

Reference ID: bk 2, p 518 , GS Film Number: 954125 , Digital Folder Number: 004017383 , Image Number: 00572
Family F141
Name: David K Keliiheleua
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 01 Jun 1966
Event Place: , Nevada, United States
Registration Place: , Clark, Nevada
Spouse's Name: Kathleen M Mangon [Manson]
Page: F04

"Nevada, Marriage Index, 1956-2005," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 Jun 2014), David K Keliiheleua and Kathleen M Mangon, 01 Jun 1966; from "Nevada, Marriage Index, 1956-2005," index, ( : 2007); citing , Nevada, United States, County Book , p. F04, archive film number .
Family F42
Name: Joseph Litzgus
Birth Place: Philadelphia
Age: 25
Estimated birth year: abt 1881
Father Name: August Litzgus
Mother Name: Margret Beliler

Spouse Name: Alice Woodhouse
Spouse's Age: 24
Spouse Birth Year: abt 1882
Spouse Birth Place: Morpeth Newcastle England
Spouse Father Name: George Woodhouse
Spouse Mother Name: Mary Smith

Marriage Date: 26 Sep 1906
Marriage County or District: Perth
Family F23

Private services were held last week for Arthur A. Lumsdaine, former chairman of the University of Washington psychology department who died May 1 following a long illness.

Mr. Lumsdaine, professor emeritus of psychology and education at the university, was 75.

He was credited by Irwin Sarason, chairman of the psychology department, with a key role in building the department.

''He came in at a time of rapid growth and one of his major achievements was building the corps of what is now a truly distinguished psychology department,'' Sarason said. ''More than any other individual, he shaped the planning of Guthrie Hall (current psychology building) and saw the project to its completion.''

Mr. Lumsdaine was chairman of the department from 1965 to 1971 and remained on the University of Washington faculty until retiring in 1981.

He was a founding board member for Psychologists for Social Responsibility and focused his efforts on the global problems of poverty and nuclear war.

Seattle born, he graduated from Roosevelt High School and received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Washington and a doctorate from Stanford University.

Mr. Lumsdaine taught psychology at Princeton University, was a research scientist for the War Department where he studied attitudes of U.S. servicemen, and was a research scientist at Yale University.

He also was a lab director with the U.S. Air Force, an executive scientist at the American Institute for Research, and professor of education at UCLA for five years before returning to the UW.

Survivors include his wife, Marion Lumsdaine of Seattle; three sons, David of New Haven, Conn., John of Oakland, Calif., and Peter of Santa Cruz, Calif.; a brother, Clifford Lumsdaine of Bellflower, Calif.; and a grandchild.


Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA) - Wednesday, May 10, 1989  
Lumsdaine, Professor Arthur Allen (I9)
Professor David H. Lumsdaine, 64

Wenham, MA — The Gordon College community grieves the loss of Professor David Lumsdaine, who passed away February 27, from complications following a heart attack. As a member of the Political Science Department, Dr. Lumsdaine taught a variety of courses with specialization in international relations and foreign policy. His classes emphasized student participation and writing, and students often spoke with deep appreciation for this man who was a beloved professor and mentor to so many. Prior to joining the Gordon faculty in 2007, Dr Lumsdaine — who held degrees in political science, engineering and mathematics — taught at Wheaton College, Yale University, Seoul National University and the Korea Development Institute in Seoul, one of the most prominent "think tanks" and educational institutions in that country. He was also a consultant and lecturer at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, where he mentored many graduate students.

"David Lumsdaine was dearly beloved by his students and colleagues," says Ruth Melkonian-Hoover, associate professor of political science, and department chair. "He passionately loved God, others, and God's world, and this came through in everything he did. He had a brilliant mind and elected to invest himself first and foremost in remarkable ways in our students' lives. We have been richly blessed by him, and his passing represents a tremendous loss to our department and to all of us in the Gordon community."

A hallmark of Dr.Lumsdaine's teaching style was his insistence that students think for themselves and develop their own ideas. Students around the world have spoken of him as a major influence and inspiration in their thinking and in their lives.

Dr. Lumsdaine's first book was Moral Vision in International Politics, (Princeton University Press, 1993). His book Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Asia (Oxford, 2009) continued this earlier work on how beliefs and values shape politics. He had been working on a sabbatical project examining the role of ideas in shaping the international political system, and the effect of domestic political values and practice on international politics. Dr. Lumsdaine was an active and beloved member of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church in Danvers, Massachusetts. "We will miss him, many of us deeply so," says the Rev. Timothy Clayton, rector of Christ the Redeemer. "He was a dear and enthusiastic brother and a leader in our family of faith, a member of the vestry."

Those who knew David Lumsdaine personally were impressed by his amazing memory, his exhaustive knowledge of the Bible, his wide-ranging intellectual interests in music, art, and literature, his lively wit and sense of humor, and his great compassion for the sufferings of others.

He is preceded in death by his parents and is survived by two brothers, John and Peter, sister-in-law the Rev. Margaret Drum Lumsdaine, nieces Lucy Elanor Lumsdaine, and Sophia Lumsdaine, and nephew Brendan Lumsdaine.

ARRANGEMENTS: The funeral will take place Saturday, March 2, at 11 a.m., at Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, 188 Elliott St, Danvers, MA. Interment will take place at a later service at Lake View Cemetery in Seattle, WA.

Memorial donations may be made to either Gordon College or Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church. Simply include "David Lumsdaine" on the memo line of a check made to either institution. (For more information at the college, contact the Office of College Communications at For more information at the church, contact the Reverend Timothy Clayton at Assisting the family is the Mackey Funeral Home, Danvers, MA. Please see to leave a condolence.

Salem News, The (Beverly, MA) - Friday, March 1, 2013  
Lumsdaine, Professor David (I11)
The cousin of Adam Stoll, Philip Adam Stoll (also born in Wolfschlugen, Wurttemberg) is living with his wife Eliza (she is 10 years old and from Pennsylvania) in Upper Leacock, Lancaster County, 16 miles from Adam Stoll in Conestoga, Lancaster County. The 1900 census lists Philip immigrating to the United States in 1853 and naturalized. He was buried in Manheim Cemetery in Lititz in 1909.

See headstone:

Bauer, Jacob / Jakob (I39)
Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940 Henry Armstrong
FHL Film Number: 31997
Reference ID: p 24 #2 
Family F1440
47 Obituary found in Laurel Messenger, Nov 1986, p 239. Lichty, Jacob C (I83)
48 PHOEBA MAE ARMSTRONG (From the files of Janice L. (Armstrong) Nicholas)

1-12-3-1-8 PHOEBA MAE ARMSTRONG b. 9/19/1892 - Moyers, Pendleton Co., WV
d. 7/8/1973
Bur: St. Pauls Luthern Church Cemetery,
Moyers, Pendleton Co., WV m. 6/17/1920 - Nicholas Dexter Toderoff
b. 3/15/1896 d. 8/30/1963
Bur: St. Pauls Luthern Church Cemetery,
Moyers, Pendleton Co., WV Nicholas Toderoff was born in Bulgaria and came to the U. S. at age 16. He was a town policeman in Bridgewater, Va. 1-12-3-1-8-1 Kathrine Toderoff
b. 11/19/1921
d. 9/4/1974
Bur. St. Pauls Luthern Church Cemetery,
Moyers, Pendleton Co., WV
m. 4/25/1943 - Fredrick Donald Truesdale
b. 9/14/1920 Dr. of Music
d. 1/17/1989
Bur. Arlington National Cemetery (Cremated) 1-12-3-1-8-1-1 Donna Kay Truesdale
b. 9/2/1943
m. E. W. Fox (Div.) 1-12-3-1-8-1-2 Larry Allen Truesdale
b. 3/25/1949 1-12-3-1-8-1-3 Sharon Lee Truesdale
b. 10/25/1953
m. 5/17/1975 - Ed Blanton
b. 12/8/1950 1-12-3-1-8-1-3-1 Sarah Katherine Blanton
b. 9/7/1981 1-12-3-1-8-1-3-2 Matthew Todd Blanton
b. 8/2/1983 1-12-3-1-8-2 Virginia Lee (Peggy) Toderoff
b. 1/4/1928
m. 11/8/1947 - Donald E. Alman
b. 4/30/1927 1-12-3-1-8-2-1 Linda Alman
b. 12/5/1949
m. 9/19/1970 - Charles Stromaski
b. 1/21/1948 1-12-3-1-8-2-1-1 Jeremy Stromaski
b. 7/23/1974 1-12-3-1-8-2-2 Donald E. Alman, Jr.
b. 12/29/1955 1-12-3-1-8-3 Helen Toderoff
b. 10/23/1929
d. 12/21/1930

Armstrong, Phoebe Mae (I1495)
49 1-11
NANCY ANN ARMSTRONG (From the files of Janice L. (Armstrong) Nicholas)

b. 10/22/1802 Pendleton Co.
d. 1/19/1858 Braxton Co.
Bur: Hutchison Cemetery, Flatwoods, W. Va.
m. 11/22/1827 John Kniceley
b. 10/20/1807 Rockingham Co.
d. 6/7/1891 Braxton Co.
Bur: Hutchison Cemetery, Flatwoods, W. Va.
Parents: Jacob & Ann (Campbell) Kniceley

This information on Nancy Ann Armstrong, the eleventh child of John and Nancy Agnes (Ervine) Armstrong has been taken from "The West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia", Morton's Histories of Highland County, Virginia, and Pendleton County, West Virginia. Some of the information was found in the notes of Don Norman and part of it was given to me by the widow of Woodrow J. Kerns, a descendant of John and Nancy (Armstrong) Kniceley.
I found Mr. Kerns' name and address on the Family Register Index at the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints. He was looking for information on Nancy Ann Armstrong. When I wrote to him, Mrs. Kerns answered my letter telling me her husband had passed away on August 10, 1985. She told me he had been a Bishop in the Mormon Church and John and Nancy (Armstrong) Kniceley were his greatgreat grandparents. I answered Mrs. Kerns letter with condolences. A few weeks later she wrote again and sent a lot of data that she had copied from her husband's notes; dates, spouses names and childrens names. She also mentioned a Mrs. Echelberry that her husband had been corresponding with. In all of Mr. Kerns notes the name Kniceley was spelled "Knicley".
Nancy was mentioned in her fathers will, "....after my death my son Thomas is to pay each of my two daughters Mary and Nancy a good horse worth sixty dollars and fifty dollars in money and their beds and bedding if they should require it and they are to live on the plantation with their mother her life time unless they should marry and if not married at my wifes death they are to live with my son Thomas still and have a good living with him....."

NOTE: I copied this information from "Hardesty's West Virginia
Counties", Vol. #3, page 105.
JOHN KNICELEY - son of Jacob and Ann Kniceley, was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, October 20, 1807. In Pendleton, County of Virginia, in 1827, he united in marriage with Nancy Armstrong, who was a daughter of John and Ann (Irvine) (Should read AGNES "NANCY" ERVINE) Armstrong, and was born in Pendleton County October 22, 1802. The children of Mr. and Mrs John Kniceley were born : Samuel E., August 26, 1828; James A., June 22 1830; Ann E.,May 23, 1832; George H., April 1, 1834; John T., December 3, 1835; Jacob D., September 16, 1838, died July 23,1839; Mary Jane, June 12, 1840, died January 26, 1858; Joseph H., Febuary 19, 1843; William N., August 24, 1846; Daniel B., May 23, 1848  all the living children are in Braxton County. In 1862, John Kniceley and trhee of his sons, Samuel, Joseph and William, enlisted in the Federal Army, Company F, 10th West Virginia Infantry and all served until honorably discharged May 5, 1865. John Kniceley is a second time married, Nancy Haymond the maiden name of his second wife, and their children: Archibald M, born May 18, 1867; Melinda A., June 6, 1869; Ruhama R., November 4, 1871, died August 24, 1877; Ola U., April 18, 1875. Mr. Kniceley united with the Presbyterian Church in 1853, and his wife had been a member of the Methodist Protestant Church since 1855. He settled in Braxton County in the Fall of 1846, and has dovoted his entire time, except what he gave to his country's service, to farming and improving land in Holly District. His post office address is Flat Woods, Braxton County, West Virginia. (This sketch was written in the late 1880's. John Kniceley died on June 7, 1891.)

1-11-1 SANUEL E. KNICELEY 1828-1896 m. Lydia J. Phillips
1-11-2 JAMES A. KNICELEY 1830-1892 m. Virginia Hutchison
1-11-3 ANN E. KNICELEY 1832-1906 m. Felix Hutchison
1-11-4 GEORGE H. KNICELEY 1834-1909 m. Margaret Ocheltree
1-11-5 JOHN T. KNICELEY 1835- m. Martha Bleigh
1-11-6 JACOB D. KNICELEY 1838-1839 died in infancy
1-11-7 MARY J. KNICELEY 1840-1858 died young
1-11-8 JOSEPH H. KNICELEY 1843-1908 m. #1 Mahalia Grimm
#2 Matilda Butcher
#3 Elizabeth Rhodes
1-11-9 WILLIAM N. KNICELEY 1846-1925 m. Iris Windle
1-11-10 DANIEL B. KNICELEY 1848-1947 m. Margaret Hinkle

b. 8/26/1828  Rockingham Co.
d. 6/25/1896 - Braxton Co. WV
Bur: Family Cemetery Morrison Ridge
m. 12/27/1849  Lydia Jane Phillips
b. 1828
d. 7/18/1901
Parents: Wm. & Mehitable (Gould) Phillips
Samuel E. Kniceley was a Federal Soldier during the
Civil War. Co. F. 10th West Virginia Infantry,
1-11-1-1 Jacob Maurice Kniceley
b. 1850
d. 1915
m. 12/9/1875  Margaret A. Morrison
1-11-1-2 Melvina Ellen Kniceley
b. 1851
d. 1/22/1890
m. 10/21/1873  Jacob A. Bright
1-11-1-3 Norman Marcellus Kniceley
b. 1854 (also found 1853)
d. 2/12/1918
m. 3/24/1881  Lucinda A. Campbell
b. 5/11/1858
d. 3/18/1909
Parents: James & Tabitha (Kniceley) Campbell
1-11-1-3-1 Parley G. Kniceley
b. 10/24/1882
d. 8/3/1963
m. 5/23/1901 - Molly Baker Lewis
b. 11/15/1884
d. 5/23/1980
Parents: Charles Samuel & Sarah (Taylor) Lewis
1-11-1-3-1-1 James L. Kniceley
b. 4/20/1903
m. 12/26/1930 - Dena Johnston
b. 11/10/1911
Parents: Samuel Newton & Lucinda M. (Wood) Johnston
1-11-1-3-1-1-1 Cassandrie Kniceley
b. 10/27/1931
m. 5/19/1955 - Edward C. Perkins

1-11-1-4 Lydia Jane Kniceley
b. 1856
m. 9/14/1886  Thomas Bleigh
1-11-1-5 Albert Kniceley
b. 1857
d. 2/18/1897
m. 1/13/1881  Mary Jane Harper
1-11-1-6 William P. Kniceley
b. 1860
d. 3/18/1897
m. 4/9/1889  Sarah A. Cummings
1-11-1-7 Franklin Kniceley
b. 1862
d. 6/3/1940
m. 11/4/1886  Melvina E. Robey
1-11-1-8 Electa Jane Kniceley
b. 1866
m. 12/20/1887  William D. Holland
1-11-1-9 Mellissa G. Kniceley
b. 1868
d. 1880
m. Died Young and single
1-11-1-10 Mary Olive Kniceley
m. Died Young and single

b. 6/22/1830  Rockingham Co.
d. 3/3/1892  Corley, Baxton Co.
m. 11/4/1854  Virginia Hutchison
b. 11/8/1832
d. 4/23/1906  Corley, Braxton Co.
Parents: Wm. & Jane (MacMillian) Hutchison

NOTE: James A. and Virginia (Hutchison) Kniceley were Mr. Woodrow J. Kerns great grandparents.
1-11-2-1 "NO Name" Kniceley
b. 7/11/1855  Corley, Braxton Co.

1-11-2-2 Hannah Jane Kniceley
b. 8/14/1857
m. Single
1-11-2-3 Lorenzo Dow Kniceley
b. 4/24/1860
d. 11/21/1916
m. 3/18/1886  Cordelia J. Robey
1-11-2-4 Joseph Hiner Kniceley
b. 6/16/1863
d. 10/12/1877
m. Died young and single 1-11-2-5 William Columbus Kniceley
b. 4/17/1867
d. 2/9/1926
m. #1 4/7/1889  Ida Roberta Ware
d. 5/2/1904
#2  Ollie Ruth Harper
1-11-2-6 Isaac Lefson Kniceley
b. 4/1/1870
d. 5/22/1872
m. Died young
1-11-2-7 Phoebe Jane Kniceley
b. 1/ /1871
d. 3/ /1871
m. Died young
1-11-2-8 Isabell G. Kniceley
b. 5/30/1873
d. 9/19/1927
m. 6/7/1888  James W.Thompson
1-11-2-9 "No Name" Kniceley
b. 10/27/1876

b. 5/23/1832
d. 8/7/1906
m. 8/28/1852  Felix Hutchison

b. 4/1/1834
d. 11/12/1909
m. 8/8/1856  Margaret Jane Ocheltree
b. 1837
NOTE: Information from Braxton Co. births deaths and marriages and cencus records.
1-11-4-1 Nancy Louise Kniceley
b. 1856
m. 3/25/1874  Joseph Gregory
1-11-4-2 Julia A. Kniceley
b. 8/2/1857
m. 11/13/1879  Newton Frame (maybe Flame)
1-11-4-3 Delila A. Kniceley
b. 1/17/1859
d. 11/16/1861
m.  Charles Bright
1-11-4-4 Emily Edna Kniceley
b. 10/28/1860
m. 6/26/1879  Harmon S. Coger

1-11-4-5 Lydia Jo Kniceley
m. 3/31/1880  C.R. Bright

1-11-4-6 Isaac Ellsworth Kniceley
b. 1864
m. 10/16/1886  Emma Simons

1-11-4-7 Daniel Omer Kniceley
b. 4/16/1866
m. 4/14/1888  Rachel Evaline Taylor

1-11-4-8 Felix Ullysis Kniceley
b. 9/21/1868
d. 1/22/1941
m. 12/23/1889  Harriet Bird Gillispie

1-11-4-9 Sarah Etta Kniceley
b. 9/5/1871
m. 9/3/1891  William C. Curtain

1-11-4-10 Jerusho Alice Kniceley
b. 10/9/1873
m. 5/17/1892  James Stewart Taylor

1-11-4-11 Llewellyn Kniceley
b. 12/21/1877
d. 4/11/1897

b. 12/3/1835
m. 8/9/1857  Martha Bleigh
b. abt. 1827
NOTE: It is believed Martha was a widow. 2 children listed with the couple in the 1860 Braxton Coounty Census are not likely to be John's - Lucritia, born c.1845 and John N., born c1851.
NOTE: This information from Obitutary of Nancy Kniceley Garber.
1-11-5-1 Nancy Kniceley
b. 10/9/1858
d. 3/16/1933
m. 6/21/1879  Wm. H. Garber
1-11-5-2 James Samuel Kniceley
b. 2/11/1863
d. 10/12/1907
m. 1/4/1883  Virginia L. Perkins
1-11-5-3 Malipa Virginia Kniceley
b. 5/19/1865
m. 1/23/1885  Hance H. Perkins

1-11-5-4 Hanson Kniceley
b. 12/1867
d. 7/25/1946
m. 3/16/1902  Columbia H. Fornash

b. 9/16/1838
d. 7/23/1839

b. 6/12/1840
d. 1/26/1858

b. 2/19/1843
d. 3/24/1908
m. #1 4/7/1864  Mahalia Evaline Grimm
b. 8/18/1844
d. 12/30/1868
Parents: John & Elizabeth Grimm
#2 1/27/1874  Matilda J. Butcher
b. 12/13/1849
d. 7/12/1883
Parents: Granville W. & Verona Butcher
#3 Elizabeth J. Rhodes

Joseph H. Kniceley was a Federal Soldier in the Civil War, Co. F., 10th West Virginia Infantry, 1862  1865. Mr Kerns' notes says there are pension records in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. for Joseph.

CHILDREN Of Joseph H. & #1 Mahalia E. (Grimm) Kniceley

1-11-8-1 Mary Jane Kniceley
b. 12/1/1866
d. 4/23/1868
m. Died young
1-11-8-2 "No Name" Kniceley
b. 6/15/1868
d. 6/16/1868
CHILDREN Of Joseph H. & #2 Matilda J. (Butcher) Kniceley
1-11-8-3 "No Name" Kniceley (Son)
b. 10/7/1875
d. 10/7/1875
1-11-8-4 Virginia Alice Kniceley
b. 4/3/1880
m. 7/27/1900  Cyrus Butcher
1-11-8-5 Nancy Ann Kniceley
b. 4/27/1883
1-11-8-6 James Kniceley
CHILDREN of Joseph H. & #3 Elizabeth J. Rhodes
1-11-8-7 Virginia Kniceley
1-11-8-8 Nancy Kniceley
1-11-8-9 William Newton Kniceley
m. Alice Harper
1-11-8-10 George Harvey Kniceley
m. Della Harper
1-11-8-11 Asberry G. Kniceley
m. Nancy Eva Coger
1-11-8-12 Melvin M. Kniceley

b. 8/24/1846  ( ? 8/26/1945)
d. 1925
m. 1899  Iris Windle
b. 11/ /1863
d. 11/ /1947
William Nelson Kniceley was a Federal Soldier in the Civil War, Co. F., 10th West Virginia Infantry, 1862 - 1865.
1-11-9-1 Walter Linwood Kniceley
b. 9/1/1900 - Sutton, Braxton Co. W. Va.
d. 7/ /1979
m. 1/18/1927 - Golda Marrinda Cartright
1-11-9-2 Reba Elizabeth Kniceley
b. 6/31/1904 - Sutton, Braxton Co. W.Va.
d. 10/ /1970
m. 6/27/1926 - Russell Elwood Harrison
b. 5/23/1848
d. 11/ /1947
m. Margaret Hinkle
1-11-10-1 Rachel Kniceley
b. 1875
m. Fred Weaver

1-11-10-2 William Shelton Kniceley
b. 3/9/1875
m. 6/17/1904 Tida Stewart

1-11-10-3 George Walter Kniceley
b. 1877
m. Zien Houston

1-11-10-4 H. M. Kniceley
b. 3/ /1880
m. 12/25/1902 Della Squires

1-11-10-5 Jesse L. Kniceley
b. 1882
1-11-10-6 John S. Kniceley
b. 7/4/1884
1-11-10-7 Hance Kniceley
1-11-10-8 Benjamin F. Kniceley (Twin to Cela)
b. 9/16/1887
1-11-10-9 Cela Annie Kniceley (Twin to Benjamin)
b. 9/16/1887
1-11-10-10 Aca E. Kniceley
b. 1891 
Armstrong, Nancy Ann (I3743)
50 from the files of Janice Armstrong Nicholas

1-3 JARED ARMSTRONG (Known as Miller Jared)
b. 1785 - Leesburg, Loudon Co. (? Augusta Co.), Virginia
d. 4/16/1865
m. 1820 - Agnes Hiner
There is a lot ot information on Jared Armstrong in Morton's book "The History of Highland County Virginia". The name Jared is very common in the Armstrong Family and to confuse things, this Jared, son of John and . 1789
d. 1867
Parents: John & Magdalene (Burner) Hiner
his cousin Jared, son of William, were in the same area about the same time.
Jared and Agnes (Hiner) Armstrong had at least nine children, 6 are listed in Morton's history and 3 more are added in The New History of Highland County. Part of these children, according to the New History, were born in Illinois, the rest in Virginia or what is now part of West Virginia.
Jared is mentioned in his father's will that is dated June 9, 1820, he was to pay fifty dollars of the ninty dollars he owed his Dad, to his son, Able H. (John's grandson) which at that time according to the will, was in the state of Ohio.
NOTE: This brings up some unanswered questions. Why was Jared's inheritance so much smaller than his brothers? Why and when did Jared and his family leave Highland Co? Did Jared borrow money from his father to relocate? If the family was in Ohio in 1820 when did they go to Illinois? When did they return to Highland County?


1-3-1 MATILDA ARMSTRONG 810-1882 m. #1 Thomas J.Edmond
#2 Charles Roberts
1-3-2 MAHALA ARMSTRONG -1853 m. Jacob Edmond
1-3-3 ABLE H. ARMSTRONG -1883 m. Mary Wilson
1-3-4 MARTHA ARMSTRONG 1815-1886 m. Soloman Hedrick
1-3-5 JOHN THOMAS ARMSTRONG 1817-1893 m. Jane B. Hiner
1-3-6 MAHULDA ARMSTRONG 1820-1903 m. Joseph Hiner
1-3-7 ALLEN ARMSTRONG 1821-1903 m. Elizabeth Stewart
1-3-8 JOSEPH ARMSTRONG 1823-1844 m. Elizabeth Leitch
1-3-9 LUCINDA B. ARNSTRONG 1826- m. George Hiner


b. 12/8/1810 - in Illinois
d. 5/2/1882
m. #1 12/11/1834 - Thomas J. Edmond
#2 1846 - Charles Roberts (of Illinois)
b. - in Illinois
d. 9/?/1852 (? 1853)
m. 9/22/1932 - Jacob Edmond
b. (in Virginia)
d. 10/19/1883 -
m. 1/12/1837 - Mary Ann Wilson
Parents: William I. & Mary (Welsh) Wilson

Able H. Armstrong was mentioned in his grandfathers will. He was to be paid $50 by his father when he came of age. When the will was written in 1820, it said that Able was living in Ohio. I don't know when he came back to Highland Co., but he was appointed Justice of Highland County, Virginia in 1848 and to the Safety Committee in 1861 for the Doe Hill District. According to the New History of Highland Co. Va., nine children were born to Able H. and Mary A. (Wilson) Armstrong.
1-3-3-1 Jared Miller Armstrong
b. 1843
m. 11/7/1867 - Martha E. Armstrong (1-9-12)
b. 11/21/1846 (also found 1844)
d. 6/24/1912
Parents: George & Sarah (Hiner) Armstrong
Martha's father, George (1-9), and Jared's grandfather, Jared (1-3), were brothers, sons of JOHN & AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
1-3-3-1-1 Willie M. Armstrong (1-9-12-1)
b. 3/28/1869
1-3-3-2 Gideon Armstrong
d. 1861
Gideon was a Confederate soldier, Co. F, 25th Reg. He died of Diphtheria while in the service.
1-3-3-3 William Armstrong
d. 1861
William was a Confederate soldier, Co. F, 25th Reg. He was killed at the Battle of Port Republic.
1-3-3-4 Henry S. Armstrong
b. 6/5/1855
d. 3/24/1932
Bur: McKendree Cemetery, Doe Hill, Va.
m. - Alice K. Hiner
b. 9/21/1861
d. 8/27/1935
Bur: McKendree Cemetery, Doe Hill, Va.
1-3-3-5 Joseph E. Armstrong
m. Mary Wanless (of Bath Co.)
1-3-3-5-1 Montaque W. Armstrong
b. 1862
d. 1927
Bur: McKendree Cemetery, Doe Hill, Va.
1-3-3-6 Mary Armstrong
m. - Martin Rexrode
1-3-3-6-1 Mary Margaret Rexrode
b. 4/25/1878 - Palo Alto, Va.
d. 2/15/1953 - Mossy Creek, Va.
Bur: Sangerville Church of the Brethern Cemetery
Bridgewater, Va.
m. 12/ /1905 - Jared Morgan Armstrong (1-12-3-10)
b. 9/11/1880
d. 7/16/1959
Bur: Sangerville Church of the Brethern Cemetery
Bridgewater, Va.
Parents: Eli and Elizabeth (Botkin) Armstrong
For complete history and genealogy of this union see "Chapter 4, Eli Armstrong", file 1-12-3-10 Jared Morgan Armstrong.
1-3-3-7 Hulda J. Armstrong
d. 1923
m. 1874 - Andrew Jackson Keister (Pendleton Co.)
b. 1840
d. 1924
Parents: John Davis & Elizabeth A. Bodkin
Andrew J. Keister was married twice, his first wife was Sarah A. Hively. Morton's History of Pendleton Co., (page 240) does not tell us which wife was the mother of the following children.
1-3-3-7-1 Cora Keister
m. - Joseph Simpson
1-3-3-7-2 Harry Keister
1-3-3-7-3 Mary Keister
m. - Melvin Guyer
1-3-3-7-4 Mattie Keister
m. - Clay Sheflett
1-3-3-8 Margaret Armstrong
m. - Edwin Propst
1-3-3-9 Martha Armstrong
m. - Samuel Hoover
Parents: Wm. & Leah (Snyder) Hoover
Samuel Hoover was a blacksmith and farmer. He had a twin brother, Noah. Martha and Samuel Hoover had 5 children and a foster son. The following list of descendants was found in the The New History of Highland Co. Va., page 157.
1-3-3-9-1 Carrie Elva Hoover
m. - Austin I. Woodell
1-3-3-9-1-1 Mary Lee Woodell
m. - Howard C. Croft
1-3-3-9-1-1-1 Beverly June Croft
m. - Thomas N. Brooking
1-3-3-9-1-1-1-1 Kathi Lee Brooking
m - Cecil B. Carter
1-3-3-9-1-1-1-2 Monti Croft Brooking
1-3-3-9-1-2 Warren Woodell
m. - Nell Spence
1-3-3-9-2 Bertie Leah Hoover
m. - Joseph Clark Rexrode
1-3-3-9-2-1 Roscoe Rexrode
m. - Pearl Sayer
1-3-3-9-2-1-1 Donald Rexrode
m. - Barbara Cornwell
1-3-3-9-2-1-1-1 Kelly Lee Rexrode
1-3-3-9-2-1-1-2 Mary Lynn Rexrode
1-3-3-9-2-1-1-3 David Lee Rexrode
1-3-3-9-2-2 William H. Rexrode
m. - Madge Ryder
1-3-3-9-2-2-1 Ina Mae Rexrode
m. - John Sheets
1-3-3-9-2-2-1-1 Jerry Sheets
1-3-3-9-2-2-1-2 Douglas Sheets
1-3-3-9-2-3 Mary Ann Rexrode
m. - Wallace J. Sheffer

1-3-3-9-3 Mary Ann Hoover
m. - Elmer L. Keister
1-3-3-9-3-1 Martha Keister
1-3-3-9-4 Cameron William Hoover
m. - Bertie Snyder
1-3-3-9-4-1 Lurline Hoover
m. - Frank Mitchell
1-3-3-9-4-2 Samuel Everett Hoover
m. - Janet Siron
1-3-3-9-4-2-1 Patsy Hoover
m. - Marion Wade
1-3-3-9-4-2-1-1 Janet Wade
1-3-3-9-4-2-1-2 Barbara Wade
1-3-3-9-4-3 William Randolph Hoover
m. - Blanche Botkin
1-3-3-9-4-3-1 Darlene Hoover
- Robert Nutter
1-3-3-9-4-3-1-1 Kimberly Nutter
1-3-3-9-4-3-1-2 Robert Nutter, Jr.
1-3-3-4-4 Eugene Hoover
m. - Thelma Hicklin
1-3-3-9-4-4-1 Carol Hoover
m. - Robert Glasscock
1-3-3-9-4-4-1-1 Melody Ann Glasscock
1-3-3-9-4-4-1-2 Robin Virginia Glasscock
1-3-3-9-4-4-2 Linda Hoover
m. - Jimmie Will
1-3-3-9-4-4-2-1 Kitty Will
1-3-3-9-4-4-2-2 Jamie Will
1-3-3-9-4-4-3 Vickie Hoover
1-3-3-9-4-4-4 Dennis Hoover
1-3-3-9-4-4-5 Connie Hoover
1-3-3-9-4-5 John Herbert Hoover
m. - Leona Simmons
1-3-3-9-4-5-1 Betty Hoover
m. - Bobby Pryor
1-3-3-9-4-5-1-1 Keri Pryor
1-3-3-9-4-5-1-2 Dana Pryor
1-3-3-9-4-5-2 Ann Hoover
m. - Eugene Lotts
1-3-3-9-4-5-2-1 Gregory Lotts
1-3-3-9-4-5-2-2 Anthony Lotts

1-3-3-9-4-5-3 Sue Hoover
m. - James Burrow
1-3-3-9-4-5-3-1 Sonya Burrow
1-3-3-9-4-5-3-2 Cheryl Burrow
1-3-3-9-4-6 Ellis Cameron Hoover
m. - Jean Lamb
1-3-3-9-4-6-1 Martha Jane Hoover
m. - Paul B. Hupman
1-3-3-9-4-6-1-1 Lisa Dawn Hupman
1-3-3-9-4-6-2 Jared Cameron Hoover

1-3-3-9-5 Ernest Garnett Hoover
m. - Maude Virginia Armstrong (1-3-5-3-2-1)
Parents: Jacob Hoover & Bertie E. (Siple) Armstrong
Ernest and Maude were distant cousins, descendants of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. Their common link was Jared Armstrong (1-3). Ernest's grandfather, Able H., was Jared's 3rd child and Maude's great grandfather, John Thomas, was Jareds 5th child.

1-3-3-9-5-1 Dorothy A. Hoover
m. - Jack R. Lamb
I think this is the Dorothy A. Lamb who submitted information for some of the new histories.

1-3-3-9-6 Forrest F. Hoover (Foster son)
m. - Ora D. Mitchell
1-3-3-9-6-1 Florence Fae Hoover
m. - Herbert W. Hudler, Jr.
1-3-3-9-6-1-1 Katherine Fae Hudler
1-3-3-9-6-1-2 Jackie Lee Hudler
1-3-3-9-6-1-3 Shirley Ann Hudler
1-3-3-9-6-1-4 Herbert W. Hudler, III
1-3-3-9-6-2 Jack Sherwood Hoover
m. - Barbara ??

b. 11/14/1815 - in Virginia
d. 1/23/1886
m. 11/18/1838 - Solomon Hedrick (of Pendleton Co.)
b. 6/9/1795
d. 7/16/1873
Parents: Charles & Mary E. (Fisher) Hedrick, II

Information found in New History of Pendleton Co. Virginia, Page 132.

Charles Hedrick I - b. 1741, d. 1802, m. 2/27/1764 - Barbara Conrad.
Charles Hedrick II - b. 1770, d. 1850, m. 1795 - Mary E. Fisher.
Solomon Hedrick - b. 6/9/1795, d. 7/16/1873, m. - Martha Armstrong, b. 11/14/1815, d. 1/23/1886.
Charles Armstrong Hedrick - b. 5/9/1858, d. 4/20/1933, m. - Ida Lee Hammer, 6/30/1861, d. 8/18/1935.
Charles Glen Moomau Hammer Hedrick - b. 12/20/1896, d. 9/5/1969, m. 5/9/1915 - Mrytle Daisy Raines, b. 9/20/1898, d. 2/14/1971.
Blake Robert Hedrick - b. 10/21/1925, m. 12/18/1951 - Ina Lee Phares, b. 8/7/1930.

b. 6/29/1817 - Pendleton Co. VA (now WV)
d. 10/2/1893 - Highland Co., VA
m. 10/18/1840 - Jane B. Hiner (1-4-6)
b. 3/17/1817 - Pendleton Co. (now WV)
d. 6/27/1887 - Highland Co., VA
Parents: Joseph and Jane (Armstrong) Hiner
John and Jane were cousins. John's father, Jared Armstrong (1-3) and Jane's mother, Jane (Armstrong) Hiner (1-4) were both children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.

1-3-5-1 Jared Armstrong
b. 10/16/1841
d. 6/24/1865
Jared Armstrong was a Confederate Soldier Co. F., 25th Reg. He died in Point Lookout Prison (Cross Keys)

1-3-5-2 Peter H. Armstrong
b. 7/26/1843
d. 4/30/1863
Peter Armstrong was a Confederate Soldier, Co. F., 25th Reg. He was killed in Harrison Co. W.Va.
1-3-5-3 Joseph H. Armstrong
b. 6/ /1846
m. - Mary M. Siple (1-4-1-5)
Parents: Joel & Mary Margalena (Hiner) Siple.
Mary's mother, Mary Margalena (Hiner) Siple (1-4-1), was the daughter of Jane (Armstrong) Hiner (1-4), who was the daughter of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG.
1-3-5-3-1 Jane Armstrong
m. - Archibald Rivercomb
1-3-5-3-1-1 Mary Susan Rivercomb
1-3-5-3-1-2 Annie Rooney Rivercomb
m. - Hugh A. Couresy
1-3-5-3-2 Jacob Hoover Armstrong
b. 1880
d. 1948
m. #1 - Bertie Estelle Siple (1-4-5-1-7)
#2 - Louie Virginia Siple (1-4-5-1-6)
b. 1879
d. 1964
Jacob Hoover Armstrong's two wives were sisters, daughters of George and Mahala (Hiner) Siple (1-4-5-1). Their grandmother, was Jane (Armstrong) Hiner (1-4), daughter of JOHN AND AGNES NANCY ARMSTRONG.
1-3-5-3-2-1 Maude Virginia Armstrong
m. - Ernest Garnett Hoover (1-3-3-9-5)
Parents: Samuel & Martha (Armstrong) Hoover
Ernest and Maude were distant cousins, descendants of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. Their common link was Jared Armstrong (1-3). Ernest's grandfather, Able H., was Jared's
3rd child and Maude's great grandfather, John Thomas, was Jared's 5th child.
1-3-5-3-2-1-1 Dorothy A. Hoover
m. - Jack R. Lamb
I think this is the Dorothy A. Lamb who submitted information for some of the new histories.
1-3-5-3-2-2 Dennis Brown Armstrong
b. 1/23/1904
m. - Clarice V. Burns

1-3-5-3-2-2-1 Dennis Brown Armstrong, Jr.
b. 7/3/1934
m. - G. Faye Botkin
1-3-5-3-2-2-2 Wade Hampton Armstrong
b. 7/28/1935
d. 4/26/1953 - Killed in Auto accident.
Bur: McKendree Cemetery
1-3-5-3-2-3 Edward Wallace Armstrong - Pvt WWII - Army
b. 12/18/1905
d. 12/23/1989
Bur: McKendree Cemetery
1-3-5-3-2-4 Don Armstrong
b. 7/15/1908
d. 7/25/1966
Bur: McKendree Cemetery
m. - Leta Mae Simmons
b. 5/10/1919
1-3-5-3-2-5 Joe Arch Armstrong
m. - E. Jearllene Botkin
Parents: Charles William & Mary Shirley (Rexrode) Botkin
1-3-5-3-2-5-1 Charles Jacob Armstrong
m. - Carol D. Stone
1-3-5-3-2-5-1-1 Jennifer Ann Armstrong
1-3-5-3-2-5-2 Wade Hampton Armstrong
m. Jennifer J. Fortune
1-3-5-3-2-5-2-1 Christopher Wade Armstrong
1-3-5-3-2-5-2-2 Daniel Reed Armstrong
1-3-5-3-2-6 Fred Clifton "Buster" Armstrong 1-3-5-4 William Harrison Armstrong
b. 2/3/1854
d. 3/30/1907
m. 7/25/1882 - Rachel Elizabeth Wandless
1-3-5-4-1 Rose C. Armstrong
b. 12/9/1884 - Headwaters Va.
d. 5/17/1978
Bur: McDowell Presbyterian Church Cemetery
m. - William R. "Rich" Hicklin
b. 10/3/1880 - near McDowell, Va.
d. 8/8/1958
Bur: McDowell Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Parents: George W. & Samantha A. (Graham) Hicklin

NOTE: Copied in part from the New History of Highland Co. Va., page 148-149:

Rich and Rose Hicklin lived their entire life in the McDowell community (approx. 1 mile north on the road to Doe Hill-JHA) They were active in all community work, political, social and religious. They were members of the McDowell Presbyterian Church. Rich was born at Clover Creek, South of McDowell and Rose was born near Headwarters. They are buried "On the Hill" in the Presbyterian Cemetery at McDowell. They owned their farm and raised sheep and cattle. Rich served several terms as Supervisor for Stonewall Distric, he was an elder in the church, President of McDowell Water Co., Inc. and chairman of the Mountain Soil Conservation District. He was instrumental in securing the Water system for the McDowell community. Rose was interested in all club work. She was one of the first members of the Stonewall Womans Club, GFWC and was a diligent worker with the organization to secure Extension trips to Monterey to appear before the Board of Supervisios to secure financial support. Rich and Rose Hicklin had three children.

NOTE: In 1950 Rose C. Armstrong Hicklin did some family research for D.A.R. membership. It was from her papers that we find the two Robert theory. She shows Robert Armstrong as the son of Robert. I requested a copy of her membership application, #399527, but was sent #469379, Hattie E. (Armstrong) Lee's application instead.

1-3-5-4-1-1 Lillian Bernice Hicklin - went to Baltimore
m. - ? Alred
1-3-5-4-1-2 William Richard Hicklin, Jr.
d. hunting accident - at age 18 - from his own gun 1-3-5-4-1-3 Graham Wandless Hicklin
m. - Phyllis Gaines
Graham W. Hicklin retired from the P.O. Department and lives near Waynesboro, Va. He has his mothers family research papers and let Kent Botkin search through them.
1-3-5-4-1-3-1 Richard Edward Hicklin
1-3-5-4-1-3-1-1 Eric Hicklin
1-3-5-4-1-3-2 Robin Hicklin
m. - ? Fauber
1-3-5-4-1-3-2-1 Sara Fauber
1-3-5-4-2 Daisy A. Armstrong
b. 4/20/1887
m. - Holbert Carpenter
1-3-5-4-3 Lillie Kate Armstrong
b. 7/9/1889
m. #1 - Glenn Armstrong
d. 2/24/1912
#2 10/13/1914 - Gilbert Mitchell
CHILD OF Lillie Kate by #1 Glenn Armstrong
1-3-5-4-3-1 Glen Francis Armstrong
b. 5/31/1921
m. - Ruby Argenbright
1-3-5-4-3-1-1 Jerry Armstrong
1-3-5-4-3-1-2 Roger Armstrong
CHILDREN OF Lillie Kate by #2 Gilbert Mitchell
1-3-5-4-3-2 Mary Meade Mitchell
b. 11/28/1915
m. 12/15/1945 - Richard Alexander Campbell
1-3-5-4-3-2-1 Gary Mitchell Campbell
b. 1/6/1947
m. 10/1/1965 - Carolyn Elizabeth Tate
1-3-5-4-3-2-1-1 Kimberly Anne Campbell
b. 5/14/1966
1-3-5-4-3-2-1-2 Kathy Gail Campbell
b. 1/19/1970

1-3-5-4-3-2-2 Lee Alexander Campbell
b. 11/23/1948
d. 11/26/1948
1-3-5-4-3-2-3 Linda Gail Campbell
b. 11/5/1953
m. 7/1/1978 - Raymond David Chaplin
1-3-5-4-3-3 Stanley Meredith Mitchell
b. 12/20/1917
m. 9/3/1976 - Cleo Hupman Coursey
1-3-5-4-3-4 Eugene Kenton Mitchell
b. 12/5/1921
1-3-5-4-3-5 Joy Anne Mitchell
b. 4/18/1932
m. 7/ /1948 - John C. Smith
1-3-5-4-3-5-1 Robert Lee Smith
b. 7/27/1949
m. 12/ /1972 - Bettie Ellen Blackwell
1-3-5-4-3-5-1-1 Kenton Randell Smith
b. 2/21/1980
1-3-5-4-3-5-1-2 Katrina Renee Smith
b. 1/22/1982
1-3-5-4-3-5-2 Jean Carol Smith
b. 6/20/1954
m. 2/15/1975 - Gary Dwain Goad
1-3-5-4-3-5-3 Dawn Smith
b. 4/23/1962
1-3-5-5 John Shaffer "Doc" Armstrong
b. 1/25/1856 - Highland Co. VA
d. 5/19/1923 - Coles Co. Illinois
m. 11/29/1880 - Mary (Nell) Armstrong
b. 7/7/1862 - Highland Co. VA
d. 3/1/1952 - Coles, Co. Illinois
1-3-5-5-1 Hattie Elizabeth Armstrong
b. 11/15/1905 - Farmington, Illinois
m. 3/25/1925 - James Roy Lee
b. 9/27/1905
Hattie and James were married in Terra Haute, Ind., by a Justice of the Peace. When I wrote to the D.A.R. for a copy of Rose Hicklin's membership application, #399527, they sent me Hattie's application, #469379, instead.
b. 1/22/1820 - in Virginia (now WV)
d. 7/2/1903
m. - Joseph Hiner
Mahulda Armstrong was not listed in Morton's History but was listed in The New History of Highland Co., page 87.
1-3-7 Allen Armstrong
b. 10/25/1821
d. 4/5/1903
m. 6/7/1846 - Mary Elizabeth Stuart
1-3-7-1 John M. Armstrong
b. 1849
m. 1877 - Mary Steuart
John M. Armstrong was appointed to the committee of Safety in 1861 for the Doe Hill District of Highland County Virginia.
1-3-7-1-1 James M. Armstrong
m. - Emma V. Hupman
1-3-7-1-2 Mary Ashbey Armstrong
b. 9/8/1878
d. 6/16/1909
Bur: Headwater Virginia.
m. - James Ed Splaun
1-3-7-1-3 Charles S. Armstrong
b. 5/19/1880
d. 4/9/1943
Bur: Headwater, Virginia.
m. 1906 - Mary E. Deverick
b. 6/3/1883
d. 9/29/1938
Bur: Headweater, Virginia.
1-3-7-1-4 Ernest Blair Armstrong
b. 3/9/1889
d. 1/12/1960
Bur: Headwater, Virginia.
m. - Hester Grace Simmons
b. 2/5/1897 - Highland Co. Va.
d. 9/30/1989 - Harrisonburg, Va.
Bur: Headwater, Virginia
Parents: John C. & Amanda Jane (Siron) Simmons
NOTE: I found grave stones at Headwater for two infant daughters of Ernest Blair and Hester G. Armstrong, but there were no names or dates on them. The following was copied from Hester's obituary:


HEADWATERS - Hester Grace Armstrong, 92, died Saturday evening (Sept. 30, 1989) at Sunnyside Presbyterian Home in Harrisonburg.
She was born Feb. 5, 1897 in Highland Co., a daughter of John C. and Amanda Jane (Siron) Simmons. Her husband, Blair Armstrong, preceded her in death Jan. 12, 1960.
She was a member of the Headwaters Presbyterian Church, the Women of the Church, and the Highland Extension Homemakers Club.
Survivors include three daughters, Pearl McCray of McDowell, Audrey Corbett of Monterey and Jane Armstrong of Raphine; five sons, Wayne and Waldo, both of Staunton, Frank of Waynesboro, Charles of Headwaters and Gene Armstrong of Ormond Beach, Fla.; fifteen grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, and one great great grandson.
A service will be conducted 11 a.m. Wednesday at Obaugh Funeral Home by M.W. Hill, Jr., and Revs. Leroy Hulvey and Lester LePrade.
Pallbearers will be Jimmy, Gary, Steve, Larry, Cole, Timothy and Michael Brent Armstrong and Bobby McCray. Honorary pallbearers will be friends attending the service.
The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home in McDowell and at other times at the residence of Pearl McCray in McDowell and Charles Armstrong in Headwaters.
Memorial contributions may be made to Sunnyside Presbyterian Health Care Center P.O. Box 928 Harrisonburgh, Va.
1-3-7-2 Arbellia Armstrong
m. - Eskridge Hiner
b. 1848
1-3-7-3 Wilda Armstrong
m. - Jefferson Edmond
1-3-7-4 Mary Armstrong1-3-7-5 Margaret Armstrong
m. - William Steuart
1-3-7-5 Thomas Armstrong
1-3-7-6 Abbott L. Armstrong
m. - Martha Siron
Parents: Joseph & #1 Jane (Wilson) / #2 Sarah (Eagle) Sirion
Abbott L. Armstrong was a confederate Soldier, Co. H., 19th Cavalry. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Malvern. He lived in McDowell, Va. after the war.
1-3-7-6-1 Lurty Armstrong
b. 1890
d. 1967
m. 1917 - Ethel Hicklin
b. 1896
d. 1958
Parents: Eugene A. & Sarah (Beverage) Hicklin
Lurty was a farmer, he moved from McDowell to Cochranville, PA. about 1923.
1-3-7-6-1-1 Lyle A. Armstrong
b. 1919
m. - Elinor K. Weaver
1-3-7-7 Arthur Armstrong

b. 8/11/1823 - in Illinois
m. - Elizabeth Leitch - of Illinois
Joseph Armstrong was not listed in Morton's History. This information was found in the New History of Highland Co. Va. page 87. Pendleton Co. Marriage Book #5 says her name was Eliza Leetch.

b. 1826
m. 8/28/1849 - George Hiner (1-4-10)
b. 1825
d. 1915
Parents: Joseph & Jane (Armstrong) Hiner
Lucinda's father, Jared (1-3), and George's mother, Jane (1-4), were brother and sister, children of JOHN AND AGNES (ERVINE) ARMSTRONG. According to Morton's History, George and Lucinda B. (Armstrong) Hiner had 5 other children that died in infancy and were not named.

1-3-9-1 Sarah Hiner (Sallie)
m. Single (According to legend, in the mid-1900's, when I lived in the area, Sallie was forbidden to marry the man of her choice and went into mental seclusion. She lived on the homeplace, known as the Sally Hiner place-now owned by Alfred Armstrong, until her death. Various people lived with her and helped with her maintenance which was provided by her brother Jared, and then by his daughters, Miss Leta and Miss Lura Hiner. I am sure she is buried in the family plot there on the place along with her family. JHA. 2001
1-3-9-2 Jared Armstrong Hiner
b. 1865
d. 1927
Bur: Armstrong-Hiner Cemetery Moyers, WV
m. - Rebecca Judy (Pdn. Co.)
b. 1867
d. 1926
Bur: Armstrong-Hiner Cemetery Moyers, WV
More information on these two daughters of Jared and Rebecca (Judy) Armstrong can be found in the New History of Highland County on page 152.

1-3-9-2-1 Laura Dyer Hiner
b. 1900
m. Henry Burton Hook
1-3-9-2-2 Leta Margaret Hiner
b. 1896
m. Single

Armstrong, Jared (I3735)

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