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 | Franklin Daniel Richards Taylor Life Sketch Although written in first person, this life sketch was written by someone else of Franklin's life.
Contributed By Jolene Rice, 13 July 2013, |
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 | Battle of Chapultepec Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Chapultepec |
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 | Maren Annette Anderson Christensen Written by: Fred T Christensen (son) |
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 | Journal Excerpt of Edward Stevenson Source: http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneerdetails/1,15791,4018-1-17776,00.html |
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 | Autobiography of Dickson Hamblin Greer Excerpt Source: http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneerdetails/1,15791,4018-1-17776,00.html |
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 | Sylvester Henry Earl Diary Excerpt Source: http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneerdetails/1,15791,4018-1-17776,00.html |
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 | William Brockerman Wright Diary Excerpt Source: http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneercompanysources/1,16272,4019-1-69,00.html |
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 | The Life History of Otto Edward William Thorwald Christensen Complied by Reva Baker Holt |
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 | A Resident of old Fort Harmony A biography of Peter Shirts by Lee Beatty |
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 | The Roads to Utah Source: http://history.utah.gov/apps/markers/detailed_results.php?markerid=3119 |
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 | The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord Speech given by Boyd K. Packer 1 February 1976 regarding C.C.A Christensen |
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 | A Brief History of the Scandinavian Mission by Andrew Jensen From the Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, p. 779-780 |
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 | William Christopher Christensen autobiography Typed by Hugh Brady 12 November 1959 |
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 | William Christopher Christensen Written and complied by his daughter,Leona Christensen McGee
Retyped by J. Roland Astorga 20 November 2012 for Internet publication
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 | William Christopher Christensen history Written and complied by his daughter,Leona Christensen McGee
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 | Maren Annette Anderson Christensen history From writings of Hugh Brady
Compiled by Jeane B. Eagan, 1967 & 1981
Retyped by J. Roland Astorga 20 Nov 2012 |
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 | A Sketch of My Father's Family by Ross McGee |
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 | Builders of Uintah by Daughters of Utah Pioneers Excellent source for information on the Lycurgus Johnson family
Publication: Springville, Utah : Art City Pub., 1947 |
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 | Thomas and Matilda Stolworthy Biography Compiled from Pearl Stolworthy's hand written notes and a letter written by Chastie Stolworthy Esplin to her sister Allie Stolworthy Wade and typed by Fern McGee Duckworth |
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 | Our Memories of Bessie Written by Leona 12 August 1990 |
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 | Memories of Grandpa and Grandma Stolworthy Memories of Grandpa and Grandma Stolworthy By Lucy Stolworthy Burnham
Excerpts from "The story of my life" by Carlos J. Stolworthy |
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 | A Short Biography of Carr McGee & Pearl McGee By Pearl Vilote Stolworthy McGee
Additional biography by Fern McGee Duckworth |
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 | Peter Shirts Biography Created by: SMSmith
Record added: Dec 28, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 17194475 |
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 | Thomas Stolworthy 1828, English ancestors and American descendants Excerpt from "Thomas Stolworthy 1828, English ancestors and American descendants" published 1993 by Geoffrey and Christopher Blake pgs 40-50. |
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 | Courtship and Marriage of Jewel and Leona McGee By Leona Christensen McGee |
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 | Dixie Leona Faucett Biography by Leona Christensen McGee |
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 | The Faithful Young Family - The Parents, Brothers and Sisters of Brigham By Leonard J. Arrington & Joann Jolley
Printed in The Ensign, August 1990, pg. 49-57 |
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 | Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young by James Amasa Little Utah Historical Quarterly, 14:1–4 (1946), 26–132 |
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 | History of Lydia Knight Young by Pearl S McGee |
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 | Johnny Make The Box Talk by Matilda Staker |
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 | Buckskin Tom by Matilda Staker |
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 | Selected extractions by Fern McGee Duckworth from Pearl Stolworthy McGee's Diary From March 1941 to the end of 1942 |
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 | Jewel Solon McGee History Created: 3 March 1975
Author: Unknown |
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 | Memories of the Lives of Solon Huff and Loucretia McGee Family by their Daughter Louella McGee Norman |
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 | Lydia Rosanna Young Stolworthy History |
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 | Histories of Luella Jane Stolworthy Nelson and Jospeh Outzen Nelson By Luella Jane Stolworthy Nelson |
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 | Fausett-McKee Family History from 1630 to July 2000 By Robert Bruce Dunbar, Jr. |
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 | Otto Edward William Thorwald Christensen, His life and families Author: Marion Richard Christensen
Publication: Bountiful, Utah : Family History Publishers, c1987
Physical: 264 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm.
Subject Class: 929.273 C462
Location: Family History Library; 35 North West Temple, SLC, UT 84101 |
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 | John Lycurgus Johnson - Pioneers and prominent men of Utah Source: Book
Title: Pioneers and prominent men of Utah
Publication: Salt Lake City, Utah : Utah Pioneers Book, 1913
Subject Class: 979.2 D3
Page 971 |
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 | Johnson Family Cemetery - Hillsboro, Jasper County, GA - Cemetery Archives Source:http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/jasper/cemeteries/johnsonf179gcm.txt |
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 | Sons of Snellen and Mary Forman Johnson By June Belcher Roberts
Some of the claims in this article have been proven incorrect. |
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 | Sherman's March to the Sea & Johnson Property in November 1864 By Joel Dorman Steele, A Brief History of the United States (New York, NY: American Book Company, 1885) |
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 | Snelling Johnson - Comments by Wallace L Taylor regarding June Belcher Robert's biography By Wallace L. Taylor, 4 January 1994 |
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 | The Greer Way West - 10 Volumes (June 1996 - March 2006) The Official Newsletter for Descendants of Nathaniel Hunt Greer and Nancy Ann Terry Roberts
Courtesy of William N. Greer |
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 | A History of Rich County by Robert E. Parson Johnson, Snellen M. "Cub" pgs. 104,328
Publication: Salt Lake City, Utah : Utah State Historical Society, Rich County Commission, c1996 |
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 | Land of sky-blue water by Dr. Russell R. Rich Snellon Marion "Cub" Johnson pgs. 173, 175
James Johnson pg. 186 "List of pioneers called in conference in October 1870 to help Charles C. Rich and Lorenzo Snow settle the "Northern" part of Utah."
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 | Gilbert Dunlap Greer by William N. Greer |
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 | Willmirth Margaret Greer by William N Greer |
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 | Thomas Lacy Greer by William N Greer |
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 | William Reddick Greer and His Gold by William N. Greer |