"Simon Stone Genealogy" for Simon Stone Family
Simon Stone was born in England and came to the United States as a child. He married Mary Whipple about 1655. Children: Simon, John, Matthew, Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Mary, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, David, [unnamed], and Susanna.
Simon Stone died on 27 February 1707/8. Mary died on 2 June 1720.
Susanna Stone was the daughter of Simon and Mary. She was born 4 November 1675 and died on 4 February 1754. She married Edward Goddard in June 1697.
Ancestry.com, Simon Stone Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Deacon Simon Stone of Watertown, MA 1320-1926", p. 52-56
File name | stone-simon-1707-1708-simon-stone-genealogy-1926.jpg |
File Size | 1.15m |
Dimensions | 2300 x 824 |
Linked to | David Stone; Ebenezer Stone; Elizabeth Stone; John Stone; Mary Stone; Matthew Stone; Nathaniel Stone; Nathaniel Stone; Simon Stone; Simon Stone; Susannah Stone; [Unnamed] Stone; Mary Whipple |