Honas Henry Erekson 1853-1907
Salt Lake Herald 5 March 1893
Grand Jury Report
J. H. Erekson serves as forman of Grand Jury investigating a crime conducted by an escape criminal. Investigation covered the way that the jail system was run and the reasons that this individual was able to escape. Even though there were witnesses to the murder, none were subpoenaed nor could they be found. Therefore it was Erekson that wrote the findings recommending the grand jury be dissolved until the witnesses could be produced and then another grand jury called to continue the case.
File name | erekson-jonas-henry-1853-1907-grand-jury-foreman-in-slc-1893.JPG |
File Size | 119.3k |
Dimensions | 494 x 940 |
Linked to | Jonas Henry Erekson |