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Washington Alexander Sullivan

Male Abt 1854 -

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  • Name Washington Alexander Sullivan 
    Born Abt 1854 
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I2757  Muse-Nagy
    Last Modified 26 May 2016 

    Father James D. "Pat" Sullivan,   b. 1811, North Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 19 Jun 1880, Yell County, Arkansas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 69 years) 
    Mother Sarah Eleanor "Ellen" Gwin,   b. 1823, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yell County, Arkansas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F105  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Documents
    1860 US Census for Jas D Sullivan Family
    1860 US Census for Jas D Sullivan Family
    Pontotoc County, Mississippi, p. 34

    In the household:
    Jas D Sullivan, 52, farmer, born in NC
    Ellen, 35, born in TN
    Louisa, 20, born in MS
    Tho G, 18, born in MS
    Wm H, 16, born in MS
    Sarah E, 14, born in MS
    Margaret, 10, born in MS
    Jane, 8, born in MS
    James F, 6, born in MS
    Alexdr W, 5, born in MS
    Robt M, 4, born in MS
    Martha E, 3, born in MS
    Caroline, 6/12, born in MS

    Census was enumerated on 20 June. Other 1860 census was enumerated on 25 September.
    1860 US Census for James D Sullivan Family
    1860 US Census for James D Sullivan Family
    Pontotoc County, Mississippi, p. 306-307

    In the household:
    James D Sullivan, 52, farmer, born in TN
    Elenor, 37, born in TN
    Ruthy M, 12, born in MS
    Anna J, 10, born in MS
    James F, 8, born in MS
    Washington, 6, born in MS
    Robert M, 4, born in MS
    Martha E, 2, born in MS
    Frances C, 1, born in MS
    Louisa E, 20, born in MS
    Thomas M, 17, born in MS
    William L, 15, born in MS
    Sarah A, 14, born in MS

    Census enumerated on 25 September. Other 1860 census was enumerated on 20 June.
    1870 US Census for James Sullivan Family
    1870 US Census for James Sullivan Family
    Pontotoc County, Mississippi, p. 318

    In the household:
    James Sullivan, 63, born in NC
    Ellen, 45, born in TN
    Margaret, 20, born in MS
    Jane, 19, born in MS
    Franklin, 18, farmer, born in MS
    Alexander, 17, farmer, born in MS
    Robert, 14, farmer, born in MS
    Elender, 13, born in MS
    Caroline, 8, born in MS
    Hester, 6, born in MS
    Ruth Gwinn, 75, born in TN

    Ruth Gwinn is likely Ellen's mother.