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Thomas Patrick Kavanagh

Male 1848 - 1930  (82 years)

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  • Name Thomas Patrick Kavanagh 
    Born 3 Jan 1848  Essex, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christened 3 Jan 1848  Maidstone, Essex, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died 10 Apr 1930  Morley, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I41  Gebhard
    Last Modified 23 Mar 2021 

    Father Michael Kavanagh,   b. Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother Anne Halford 
    Married 14 May 1833  Sandwich, Essex, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F18  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Susan "Ne Quan Ah Skeek" Morrison,   b. 5 May 1862, Cut Foot Sioux, Leech Lake Reservation, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Apr 1944, Murphy, Koochiching, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years) 
    Married 16 Oct 1892  St. Mary Church, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Agnes Kavanagh,   b. 5 Oct 1879, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. Annie Kavanagh,   b. 5 Feb 1881, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. James Kavanagh,   b. 30 Dec 1883, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Alice Kavanagh,   b. 25 Mar 1885, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     5. Thomas Kavanagh,   b. 22 Dec 1887, Hungry Hall Reservation, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. Matilda Kavanagh,   b. 24 Nov 1891, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. Julia Kavanagh,   b. 22 Nov 1893, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1977  (Age 83 years)
     8. Irene Kavanagh,   b. 8 Oct 1896, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     9. Albert Kavanagh,   b. 16 May 1902, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     10. Walter Kavanagh,   b. 11 Feb 1905, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
    Last Modified 5 Feb 2021 
    Family ID F10  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 3 Jan 1848 - Essex, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Photos
    c1915-1920 Photo
    c1915-1920 Photo
    Thomas Kavanagh, Susan Morrison (Ne-Quan-Ah-Skeek), and their daughter Irene

    1848 Baptism of Thomas Patrick Kavanagh
    1848 Baptism of Thomas Patrick Kavanagh
    Maidstone, Essex, Ontario, Canada

    3 Jan 1848 Baptism
    [Tho]mas Patrick Kavanah
    born the same day
    parents: Michael Kavanah and Ann Alferd

    godparents: Abraham Alferd, Elisabeth Brasnahan

    note: indexed as "??Mas Kavanah" Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1923
    1861 Canadian Census of Michael Kavanagh household
    1861 Canadian Census of Michael Kavanagh household
    Madiston [Maidstone], Essex, Ontario, Canada

    Michael Cavenagh, 54, widowed, farmer, born Ireland, Roman Catholic
    Mary Cavenagh, 24, b. Ont.
    James Cavenagh, 22, laborer, b. Ont.
    Catharine Cavenagh, 20, b. Ont.
    John Cavenagh, 19, laborer, b. Ont.
    Ann Cavenagh, 18, b. Ont.
    Michael Cavenagh, 16, laborer, b. Ont.
    Thomas Cavenagh, 14, b. Ont.
    Abraham Cavenagh, 12, b. Ont.
    Charles Cavenagh, 9, b. Ont.
    Robert Cavenagh, 8, b. Ont.
    Richard Cavenagh, 6, b. Ont.
    1889 Birth Declaration for Thomas Kavanagh, Jr.
    1889 Birth Declaration for Thomas Kavanagh, Jr.
    Ontario, Canada
    Declared 12 Nov 1942 at Village of Baudette, Lake of the Woods Co. [Minnesota]

    Thomas Kavanagh
    born 22 Dec 1889 Hungry Hall Indian Reserve, Rainy River County
    Father: Thomas Patrick Kavanagh, addr: Beaver Mills, Ontario, Cook
    Mother: Susan Maywapenais

    Informant: Mrs. Susan Kavanagh, Border, Koochiching County [Minnesota]
    [Susan signed with an "X"]

    Based on 1891 census, Thomas was born in 1887 rather than in 1889.

    source: Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1914
    1891 Census of Thomas Kavanagh household
    1891 Census of Thomas Kavanagh household
    Rainy River, Algoma, Ontario, Canada

    pages 16 and 17
    Thomas Kavanagh, 42, b. Ontario-parents b. Ireland, religion: Roman Catholic, occupation: Shanty Cook
    Susan, 30, wife, b. Ontario-father b US-mother b. Ontario, religion: Roman Catholic, cannot read/write
    Agnes, 12, dau, b. Ontario
    Annie, 10, dau, b. Ontario
    James, 8, son, b. Ontario
    Alice, 6, dau, b. Ontario
    Thomas, 3, son, b. Ontario

    note: Susan's father, Ma Qua Be Ness, is enumerated a few pages away (p. 11)

    source: 1891 Census of Canada
    1892 Catholic Baptism of Susan, daughter of Mekwebinens
    1892 Catholic Baptism of Susan, daughter of Mekwebinens
    St. Mary Catholic Church, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada

    [in French]
    16 Oct 1892
    Susan, daughter of Mekwebinens

    I, the undersigned priest, have baptised
    Susan, savage of de la riviere la Pluie [River of the Rain or Rainy River]
    the presumed wife of Thomas Kavanagh

    Godparents: William Hough and his wife
    "Pine River" R. River

    **On this same day, Susan is baptised, Susan and Thomas are apparently married in the Catholic church and their 6th child, Matilda is baptised. All three events are on the same page in the church book.

    In a 1975 newspaper story about Susan, it states that she "told her children the Chippewa rules and customs and saw no conflict with the Christian religion." [from Granny cured with roots, sturgeon oil by Delvina Alich. The Daily Journal (International Falls, MN]

    source: FamilySearch. (Fort Frances, Ontario) Catholic Church, Saint Mary. Parish registers, 1891-1910. film 1309915, digital image 13
    1892 Marriage of Thomas Kavanagh & Susan Mekwebinens
    1892 Marriage of Thomas Kavanagh & Susan Mekwebinens
    St. Mary Catholic Church, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada

    [in French]
    16 Oct 1892

    Marriage #2
    Thomas Kavanagh & Susan Mekwebinens

    [no other details recorded!]

    **The next entry, the baptism of their daughter, Matilda, references the 'legitimate marriage' of Thomas and Susan. The Priest would not have worded the entry this way if they were not married in the Catholic church.

    **On this same day, Susan is baptised, Susan and Thomas are married and their 6th child, Matilda is baptised. All three events are on the same page in the church book.

    source: FamilySearch. (Fort Frances, Ontario) Catholic Church, Saint Mary. Parish registers, 1891-1910. film 1309915, digital image 13
    1892 Baptism of Matilda Kavanagh
    1892 Baptism of Matilda Kavanagh
    St. Mary Catholic Church, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada

    [in French]
    16 Oct 1892

    I, the undersigned priest, have baptised
    Matilda, aged eleven months
    daughter of the legitimate marriage of Thomas Kavanagh & Susan

    Godparents: William Hough and Catherin Carriere, his wife
    "Pine River" Rainy R.

    source: FamilySearch. (Fort Frances, Ontario) Catholic Church, Saint Mary. Parish registers, 1891-1910. film 1309915, digital image 13
    1894 Baptism of Julia Kavanagh
    1894 Baptism of Julia Kavanagh
    St Mary Catholic Church, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada

    11 Mar 1884
    Julian [Julia] Kavanagh, three and a half months old
    born 22 Nov 1893
    daughter of the legitimate marriage of
    Thomas Kavanagh & Susan (savage) Morrison
    Farmers of the Riviere la Pluie [River of the Rain/Rainy River]

    Godmother Florence Ward; there was no godfather Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1923
    1897 Baptism of Irene Kavanagh
    1897 Baptism of Irene Kavanagh
    Notre Dame du Chemin Catholic Church, Pinewood, Ontario, Canada

    [in French]
    3 Nov 1897
    Marie Alvine (Irene) Kavanagh
    born 9 Oct
    daughter of the legitimate marriage of
    Thomas Kavanagh and Suzanne

    Godparents: William Perreault, Mary Haugh

    note in margin: married J. Dunn on 1 Nov 1922 Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1923
    1919 Marriage of Albert Alich and Julia Kavannagh
    1919 Marriage of Albert Alich and Julia Kavannagh
    10 September 1919, Rainy River County, Ontario, Canada

    Name: Albert Alich
    Age: 31
    Residence: Farmington, MN
    Birth place: Farmington, MN
    Marital status: bachelor
    Occupation: day worker
    Parents: Emil Alich and Othilica Tutewholl

    Name: Julia Kavanagh
    Age: 26
    Residence: Frontier, MN
    Birth: Frontier, MN
    Occupation: day work
    Parents: Thomas Kavanagh and Suzanne Johnson

    Witnesses: John Alice and Trine Kavanagh

    Married: 10 Sep 1919, Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1938
    1930 Death Certificate of Thomas Kavanagh
    1930 Death Certificate of Thomas Kavanagh
    Morley, Rainy River, Ontario

    10 Apr 1930
    Thomas Kavanagh
    82y 3m 7d old
    born 3 Jan 1848 Maidstone, Ont.
    Occupation- Cook
    father: Michael Kavanagh, born Ireland
    mother: Annie Halford, born Ireland

    Cause: Myocarditis, duration 2 years
    Informant: Thos. Kavanagh, Pinewood, Ont., son

    source: Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1948
    1930 Obituary for Thomas Kavanagh
    1930 Obituary for Thomas Kavanagh
    [unknown newspaper]

    Pioneer Dies

    Death claimed another of our oldest and most esteemed pioneers of the Rainy River district when Mr. Thomas Kavanaugh passed away at his home about three miles east of Pinewood on Thursday last.

    Mr. Kavanaugh was one of the first to settle on a farm on the banks of the Rainy River many years ago. We understand that he was something over eighty years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and also a grown up family, who have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereavement.

    Mr. Kavanaugh had been very feeble for the past two years. The funeral service was held at the Roman Catholic Church, Stratton, on Saturday last, where interment took place. A large crowd of sorrowing friends attended the funeral.

    source: G. Gebhard