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- [S312] Obituary: Missouri,Sullivan Co: Browning Leader-Record, Vol V pg 37.
William Porter Gilmer dd Sunday in Chillicothe Hosp sn of John M & Mary Purdin Gilmer bn 18 Feb 1878 Browning...
Date: 22 October 1953
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif #36445,Reg #140.
William Porter Gilmer... was born February 18, 1878 in Browning Missouri to John M. Gilmer and Mary Purdin...
Date: 12 October 1953
- [S312] Obituary: Missouri,Sullivan Co: Browning Leader-Record, Vol V pg 37.
William Porter Gilmer dd Sunday in Chillicothe Hosp sn of John M & Mary Purdin Gilmer bn 18 Feb 1878 Browning. Md Elizabeth Smith at Browning 21 Mar 1901, who survives with sn J Carl of Chillicothe. Preceded by parents & sis Maude Dunkin. Bur Purdin Cem.
Date: Vol V pg 37, 22 Oct 1853
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif #36445, Reg #140.
William Porter Gilmer, 75, of 439 Cherry Street, Chillicothe, Livingston Co, Missouri, died October 11, 1953 at the City Hospital in Chillicothe, of chronic mycocarditia, with intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, attended to by Joseph F Gale, MD, of Chillicothe. [autopsy performed] He was born February 18, 1878 in Browning Missouri to John M. Gilmer and Mary Purdin. He was married to Elizabeth Smith and a farmer. He was buried Oct. 14, 1953 in Purdin Cemetery by Norman Funeral Home of Chillicothe. Informant: Carl Gilmer of Chillicothe.
Date: 12 October 1953
- [S312] Obituary: Missouri,Sullivan Co: Browning Leader-Record, Vol V pg 37.
William Porter Gilmer dd Sunday in Chillicothe Hosp...Bur Purdin Cemetery
Date: 22 October 1953
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif #36445, Reg #140.
William Porter Gilmer... was buried Oct. 14, 1953 in Purdin Cemetery by Norman Funeral Home of Chillicothe...
Date: 12 October 1953
- [S308] The Warrens and You, 6048667., pg 78.
...Elizabeth Adaline,... married March 30, 1900, [no place shown]
from the Meshach Smith, Jr. family Bible in the possession of Etha Clem Johannaber,Collinsville ILL..
Date: 1958
- [S422] Internet:, Img 15, MG Lic Bk, pg 275.
Marriage License, State of Missouri, County of Linn, issued to William P Gilmer of Browning, County of Linn and State of Missouri, over 21, and Elizabeth A Smith of Browning, County of Linn and State of Missouri, over 18...
STATE OF MISSOURI, County of Linn: This is to certify that the undersigned , Thos. B Tarry, Minister of the Gospel, did at Browning in said County, on the 31st day of March AD1901, unite in marriage the above named persons, signed Thos B Tarry, Minister... Filed 3rd day of May, 1901, R W Flood, Recorder of Deeds.
Missouri Marriage Records 1803-2002, searched 1-19-2009, copy of original marriage rcd book pg 275