Sources |
- [S281] Obituaries of the Browning Leader-Record, Vol 1-6, Vol 1, pg 36.
Bryon Johnson, son of Mr and Mrs Fielden S Johnson... born 16 January 1880 [no place shown]
Date: 13 March 1913
- [S306] Missouri,Sullivan Co: Hoover Cemetery headstone, pg 32.
Byron Johnson 1880 - 1912
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif 11890, Reg #3.
Byron Johnson... was born Jan 16, 1880 in Sullivan Co MO, the son of Freeland Johnson [bn Sullivan Co MO] and Amanda Clark [bn Penn]... Informant: F. S. Johnson of Browning MO.
Date: 8 March 1913
- [S281] Obituaries of the Browning Leader-Record, Vol 1-6, Vol 1, pg 36.
Bryon Johnson, son of Mr and Mrs Fielden S Johnson, Locust Valley neighborhood, died 5 March 1913, born 16 January 1880. Leaves parents, brother and sisters. Buried Hoover Cemetery
Date: 13 March 1913
- [S306] Missouri,Sullivan Co: Hoover Cemetery headstone, pg 32.
Byron Johnson 1880 - 1912
also from Find A Grave, by cemetery-Hoover
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif #11890, Reg #3.
Byron Johnson, a single farmer from Duncan Twp, Sullivan Co MO, who lived there all of his life, died there March 4, 1913, at the age of 33yrs 1mo 17 days, of Inflammatory rheumatism Lagrippe opthalmia gartre, contributory: Xopiliflamic Goitre, attended to by WC Ingram, MD of Browning. Byron was born Jan 16, 1880 in Sullivan Co MO, the son of Freeland Johnson [bn Sullivan Co MO] and Amanda Clark [bn Penn]. He was buried Mar 7, 1913 in Hoover Cemetery by Undertaker, L. W. Hummel of Browning. Informant: F. S. Johnson of Browning MO.
Date: 8 March 1913
- [S281] Obituaries of the Browning Leader-Record, Vol 1-6, Vol 1, pg 36.
Bryon Johnson... Buried Hoover Cemetery
Date: 13 March 1913
- [S319] Missouri, Certificate of Death, Certif # 11890, Reg #3.
Byron Johnson... was buried Mar 7, 1913 in Hoover Cemetery by Undertaker, L. W. Hummel of Browning. Informant: F. S. Johnson of Browning MO.
Date: 8 March 1913
- [S306] Missouri,Sullivan Co: Hoover Cemetery headstone.
Gone to God who Gave Byron Johnson Jan. 16, 1880 - Mar. 5, 1913 [on same stone as Charlie Johnson], sons of F S and A Johnson
Seen 7 May 2011 by Bob and Pam Wagner
- [S312] Obituary: Missouri,Sullivan Co: Browning Leader-Record, Vol II, pg 11.
Fielden Sampson Johnson... md 18 Mar 1874 Amanda Clark [no place shown]
Date: 17 February 1921
- [S341] Marriage Records of Sullivan County, Missouri, Vol 2 pg 54.
- [S283] History of Sullivan Co Missouri, Vol 1 pg 628.