Notes |
- c1785 BIR, 1807 MG, 1854 DTH,BUR: Mary Hallmark-Ark (mg shown as Roane Co TN & as Walker Co AL. Paul W Henderson: Wm O Hallmark-Richard's will & succession, Bastrop Co, TX. Dth date is probate date. No death date given. Bur Jeddo Community Cem
1807 MG,ORD: IGI 1761059 shows Marian Pruitt. SS: 9 Feb 1993 JRIVE [Letter to Jack: med 1803, moved to Alabama in 1807-ck out]
1809 CENSUS: AL, Madison Co-US Mississippi Terr, V 5-lttr frm Mary Hallmark, 1963. Richard Hallmark over 21, wife over 21, 1 female under 21.
1811-16 HISTORY: Shown Madison Co AL.
1817 KY, Davieses Co: old rcd bk from Mary Hallmrk, 1976: "Richard & Mynett Hallmark sued for assault and battery" They were with my Wm & Nancy Hallmark. In 1830 Wm & Nancy in Humphrey Co TN; Richard in Walker Co Al, & Mynett in Blount Co Al. George frm AL, John frm Harris Co, GA. All went to Houston Co, Tx before 1840. Enc 51,142
1830 CENSUS: AL, Walker Co: Halmark, Richard 40-49; wife 40-49; f 20-29; m 20-29; f 15-19; 2 m 10-14; f 5-9; m 0-4; 2 f 0-4; 2 slaves (Mary Hallmark 1965)
1833 HISTORY: To Texas in 1833 - letter by Jack 1994
c1837 LAND GRANT: Houston Co-1280 acres to Richard Hallmark, a 2nd class claim, indicating it was before 1837. 1859 Texas Abstract of Claims, pub by Burlage & Hollingsworth. (from Modie Mosley and Mary Hallmark) Enc 53. [homestead]
1840 HISTORY: TX-Houston [ck out]
1840-1850 CENSUS" Need to get
1854 WILL: TX, Bastrop Co:25 Oct 1852, BK D, pg 275, filed for probate 30 June 1854 by Maryann Hallmark, appointed by court to be executrix. No date of death given:
In the name of God amen, I Richard Hallmark of the County & State aforesaid being sound of mind & knowing the uncertainty of life & the certainty of death do by these presents make & constitute this my last will & test in the wds following:
1. I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Ann Hallmark all my estate both real & personal including all my lands Negroes horses cattle & all other property owned by me & all property which I may hereafter be possesed of or entitled to (aft the payment of all my just debts, to have & hold during her lifetime of widowhood.
2. At the death or marriage of my beloved wife Mary Ann Hallmark I give & bequeath all my estate which may then remain equally to all my children namely, my dau Mirilday Burleson, Nancy Jeffrys, Manerva Wily, Katha Ann Powers, Prewet Hallmark, Cerena Hallmark, John C Hallmark, Mary Ann Box, James M Hallmark, Viny Fry, Tabitha Hallamrk, Jasper N Hallmark, Nicy Love reserving to my beloved wife Mary Ann Hallmark in the event of her marriage her legal dower as provided in the laws of this state.
3. My reason for not distributing to my children aforesaid a portion of my estate at my decease is because I have already given to each of my aforesd children each portions as I was able to give & I deem the present remainder of my estate necessary to support my beloved wife Mary Ann Hallmark.
Lastly I constitute & appoint my beloved wife Mary Ann Hallmark executrix of this my last will & test without bond or security.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal using a scrawl for a seal this day & date above written signed & sealed in presence of Garrison Greenwood, Henry Stockman, Garrison C Greenwood...Richard Hallmark (his mk)
BK D pg 211, Bastrop Co rcds-In Co Court Texas AD 1855, to wit Garrett Chief Justice of sd co, your petitioner John C Hallmark of sd co wd show unto your honor that the succession of Richard Hallmark dec'd is vacant caused by the dth of Mrs Mary Ann Hallmark Executrix. Her therefor prays that the usual notice be given & that he be appointed administrater of will annexed...Jones & Retty attys.
BK D, pg 323, County Court Oct term1856,State of Texas, Co of Bastrop: Be it remembered that on this Monday, the 27th day of Oct 1856 Co Ct of Bastrop met at the Courthouse in the town of Bastrop present & presiding his honer W H Garrett Chief Justice. Cicero Nash, Clerk of Court having been regularly opened by R M Castleman, deputy Sheriff of said county proceeded to business.
Succession of R Hallmark: And on this day came John C Hallmark administrastrix with will annexed of said Richard Hallmark & it appearing to the CT that said adm had filed his final acct current with said estate, & notice required by law having been given, the Court proceeded to examine said account & after hearing all objections to same, said account appearing to Court to be just it was ordered that same be allowed. And now came John S Teague husband of Tabitha Teague, heir and distributee in this behalf and asked that Partition be made of said estate, whereupon the Court proceeded to ascertain who are the heirs & distrubtees entitled to distribution.
When it appeared that Malinda Burleson wife of Aaron Burleson, Nancy Jeffreys wife of Abner Jeffreys, Manerva wife of Ezekiel Wiley, Cerena Hallmark wife of John B Hallmark--Cather Power Prewitt Hallmrk John C Hallmark, Mary Ann Box wife of Griffin Box, Lavinia Fry, wife of K S Fry, James Hallmark, Tennesses Jane Love & Tabitha Teague wife of John S Teague & Jasper Hallmark are entitled in equal shares to said estate consisting of $1099.25 in the hands of the administrator, 500 acres of land, the homestead of said deceased, 854 acres of land on Little River, one sorrell filly, account on K S Fry for $1050, R H Hull's note for $1325 James A Poage note for $886, Haddock's note for $50, Negro girl & child Negro man & Jasper Hallmark's note for $30 be divided in equal parts, share and share alike among said distributees, and that Daniel M Johnson, Johnathan Burleson, John Burleson, James Priest & Joseph Burleson be appointed commissioners to make partition of said estate in accordance with this decress & that the heirs pay their equal portion of expenses of this partition.
NOTES: From Cousin Lew - March 1996: Richard Hallmark bn Knox Co TN in 1785, son of Goerge and Leanna Mynart Hallmark, came to Texas 1836. Richard md Mary Ann Preitt 14 Sept 1807, Roane Co TN, moved to Walker and Blount Counties, Alabama, where 14 children born. Received Rep of Texas Land Grant #102 for 1280 acres - second class grant 1890. Filed grant for 440 acres in Coryelle County and 182 acres in Bell County 10-28-1854. Family listed in 1840. Rep of TX census as being in Houston Co. Family moved to Bastrop County 1849 and Richard Hallmark died there 30 Jan 1854. Mary Ann died Bastrop Co 15 August 1855. Buried Jeddo Cemetery...
Letter from Mary Hallmark, Jan 1967 - her version of Richard: "That Richard Hallmark was head of the family in Walker Co, AL in 1830, went to Houston Co TX about 1834 and was given land grant of 1280 acres... wife, Nancy Algood #1, Mary Prewitt #2? Dead before 1850 census of Houston Co TX. Made applications for land in Nashville Land Office about 1815 or so. Also, James Minett, who married Sarah Hodges, could be his son."