Sources |
- [S3] Missouri,Cole Co-Jefferson City: German Evangelical Church records.
Christ Wagner md Mathilde Wolfrum 18 September 1901, Jefferson City MO
Also List of marriages on record at the German Evangelical Church on Ashly and Washington, sent to Robert P Wagner by David Mueller of Jefferson City, March 1986
- [S72] Missouri,Cole Co: Newspapers, pg 4.
Christ Wagner and Miss Matilda Wolfrum of Jefferson City obtained a marriage license today.
Jefferson City State Tribune
Date: 16 September 1901
- [S80] Internet:, Img237, MG Lic Bk, pg 238.
Marriage License,State of Missouri, County of Cole, issued, Sep 16, 1901, to Christ Wagner of Jefferson City, Co of Cole, State of Missouri, over 21, and Miss Matilda Wolfrum of Jefferson City, Co of Cole, State of Missouri, over 18... STATE OF MISSOURI, County of Cole: This is to certify that the undersigned Minister of the Gospel did at Jefferson City, in said County, on the 18thh day of September AD, 1901, united in Marriage the above named persons, signed Shefhil S Miller, Paster Eveng. Central Church... Filed this 25th day of September AD 1901, O L Moore, Clerk and ex-officio Recorder.
Missouri Marriage Records, 1801-2002, Searched 2-8-2009, copy of original marriage record page 238, also Index to MG License Rcd Bk 4, pg 238