

Matches 18,201 to 18,250 of 18,503

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
18201 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Arnold Elmer /ROSE/ (AFN:1BFR-VP) and Mariah E /TAYLOR/ (AFN:8KVH-Q0)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Arnold Elmer /ROSE/ (AFN:1BFR-VP) and Mariah E /TAYLOR/ (AFN:8KVH-Q0) 
Rose, Willie Ray (I3040)
18202 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Charles D /HOUSLEY/ (AFN:2SGW-0V) and Harriet Agnes /COOK/ (AFN:1B97-1R) 
Housley, Charles Cook (I301)
18203 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
George D /MERKLEY/ (AFN:1TKS-6T) and Phoebe Ann /HACKING/ (AFN:1HS7-FQ) 
Merkley, Morgan (I120)
18204 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Isaac /ALLRED/ (AFN:1DCV-G0) and Mary /HENDERSON/ (AFN:1PZT-L1)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Isaac /ALLRED/ (AFN:1DCV-G0) and Mary /HENDERSON/ (AFN:1PZT-L1) 
Allred, Sanford (I3122)
18205 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Joesph /TAYLOR/ and Hannah M /HARRIS/ 
Taylor, Lamoni (I2738)
18206 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:1DSR-2T) and Elizabeth /HENDRICK/ (AFN:94WJ-W7) 
Patrick, Elizabeth (I2719)
18207 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8H95-28)
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8QWH-81)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8H95-28)
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8QWH-81) 
Patrick, John (I2720)
18208 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8H95-28)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8H95-28)
RESEARCH-FOR-MERGE: This individual might be the same as Lewis PATRICK, RIN 3953. 
Patrick, William (I3362)
18209 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John /PATRICK/ (AFN:432W-GN) and Wilmouth // (AFN:8H95-28) 
Patrick, Luke (I3379)
18210 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Joseph /TAYLOR/ (AFN:432V-NK) and Mrs. Nancy /TAYLOR/ (AFN:432V-PQ) 
Taylor, Temperance (I3325)
18211 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F) 
Taylor, Josiah (I3199)
18212 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F) 
Taylor, Lorin Green (I3201)
18213 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F) 
Taylor, Alexander (I3202)
18214 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Mads /STEPHENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-58) and Kirsten /JENSEN/ (AFN:2V1T-6F) 
Taylor, Walter (I3203)
18215 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Richard /TAYLOR/ (AFN:8H5Z-SX) and Margaret // (AFN:8H5Z-T4)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Richard /TAYLOR/ (AFN:8H5Z-SX) and Margaret // (AFN:8H5Z-T4) 
Taylor, John (I3332)
18216 This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Richard /TAYLOR/ (AFN:8H60-3F) and Dinah // (AFN:8H60-D0) 
Taylor, Joseph (I3279)
18217 This individual is not listed as a family member on a family-owned family group sheet. This birth-date also conflicts with Frank Thomas--The birth and death dates are the same. Thomas, Frances (I724)
18218 THIS INDIVIDUAL MAY NOT BE RELATED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: Jose de la Cruz Pintor (Mother Maria Franca Pintor but Grandparents Blas Pintor and Manuela Gertrudis Galindo) THE PARENTS OF MARIA FRANCA PINTOR (WHO IS MARRIED TO JOSE RECARDO ISTAGUA GARCIA) ARE José Cipriano León AND María Polinaria Pintor BASED ON THE MARRIAGE RECORD. Pintor, José de la Cruz Istagua (I7125)
18219 This info from Robert Penning: "North Trails End Road, Rathdrum, Idaho (208) 687-0589, called Billy" Panabaker, William (I10535)
18220 This info from Robert Penning: "Schmidt Ave, Hayden, Idaho. He was or is the mayor.(208 772 3622. Called Dick" Panabaker, Richard (I10533)
18221 This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Source (S8)
18222 This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Source (S20)
18223 This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Source (S7)
18224 This information from an Obituary in poss. of Jean Porcaro Day, Delbert E. (I656)
18225 This information is provided by Lisa Taylor, daughter of Charles Richard Bouttier.

Source: message to Jaime R Astorga on 9.1.2018. 
Rio, Charles Richard Bouttier del (I5553)
18226 This information of Ygnacio and Rosa provided by Alberto Bouttier on 12.03.2017. Family F1940
18227 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4811)
18228 This information was provided by grand-daughter Lizabeth Bouttier. Corella, Juan José Bouttier (I1914)
18229 This is based on her mother's statement in her testament (Mariana Fletes) found in the book 'Negocios y Vida Cotidiana en Tepic 1839-1910' that Maria Delores Delgado y Fletes was 16 years old on the 3 August 1870. Fletes, Mariana de los Dolores Agapita Gertrudis de Jesus Delgado (I4827)
18230 This is based on information provided by grand-daughter Lizbeth Bouttier. Mendoza, Amelia Estrada (I4804)
18231 This is likely John Hiner's resting place. He was born between siblings Jane B. Hiner (1817-1878) & Joseph Hiner (1821-1882) Morton's History of Highland list John with no additional information, which suggest he died at a early age. The top of this stone is broken off where the name would of been.  Hiner, John (I4282)
18232 This is likely John Hiner's resting place. He was born between siblings Jane B. Hiner (1817-1878) & Joseph Hiner (1821-1882) Morton's History of Highland list John with no additional information, which suggest he died at a early age. The top of this stone is broken off where the name would of been.  Hiner, John (I4282)
18233 This may be missinformation. I have been told that Samuel E. and Mary "Polly" (Taylor_ Armstrong had an eleveneth, and a twelth child, unnamed infant males. I was given these dates, but however I did not find this child listed in the Samuel Armstrong Family Bible. Armstrong, Child (I1683)
18234 This Peter is from Bavaria which is the kingdom east of Württemberg. Like Jacob, this Peter also names his first son Charles in 1857. However, the birth is in Philadelphia,72 miles east of Conestoga.

1860 Census

1880 Census|0|1652393|0|2|3244|41|0|0|0|0|&MSAV=1&msbdy=1823&mssng0=mary+ann&mssns0=snyder&_83004003-n_xcl=f&cp=0&catbucket=rstp&uidh=m71&pcat=ROOT_CATEGORY&h=648013&db=1880usfedcen&indiv=1&ml_rpos=2 
Bauer, Jacob / Jakob (I39)
18235 This record is 'information' about a past christening. Ygnacio Maria Quevedo is 47 years of age. Quevedo, Ygnacio Maria (I6075)
18236 This record is all from the living memory of M R Mew. Barton, Raymond (I1283)
18237 Thomas Dent bequeath "to my Daughter in Law, Mary Bright..." Suit, Thomas (I807)
18238 Thomas was a friend and companion of King Henry IV. Swinford/Swynford, Thomas (I1615)
18239 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I7308)
18240 Three Generation Group Sheet submitted by LDS Church Members Howe, Cruse J (I230)
18241 Three Generation Sheet submitted by LDS Church Members Shields, Katie Mae (I226)
18242 Three Generation Sheet submitted by LDS Church Members Mills, Stella (I229)
18243 Three Generation Sheet submitted by LDS Church Members Larsen, Nellie Dolores (I231)
18244 Three Generation Sheets Submitted by LDS Church Members Johnson, Rachel (I224)
18245 Three Generation Sheets Submitted by LDS Church Members Reese, Joseph E (I225)
18246 Thursday, 24 December 1942
Mrs. Wood Dies Monday Following Stroke
Mrs. H. M. Wood, 52, died at her home here Sunday morning following an illness which began last February with a stroke, and was intensified with a second stroke four weeks ago. She had suffered with heart trouble all her life and had been in especially poor health the past few years.
Mrs. Wood was born in Florence on March 3, 1890, and had spent her life in Florence with the exception of 20 years in Cripple Creek . She was a member of the Methodist church and the Royal Neighbors lodge. She was married on Dec 24, 1909 to H. M. Wood to which union two sons were born, Floyd of Berkeley, Cal., and George of Richmond, Cal. Surviving relatives are these two sons, her husband, four grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Vera Kyle of Hawthorne , Neb.
Funeral Services will be held at the Holt Chapel Thursday afternoon at 1:30 with the Rev. E. H. Hoffman officiating.
The Florence Citizen
31 December, 1942 pg 4
Funeral Services for Mrs. Wood Thursday
Funeral services were held at the Holt Chapel last Thursday afternoon for Mrs. H. M. Wood, who died Sunday morning, December 20 at her home here, following a second stroke and poor health lasting over a period of years.
The Rev. E. H. Hoffman officiated at the services which were attended by relatives and friends who packed the Chapel to overflowing. The Royal Neighbors lodge members attended in a body and acted as flower bearers.
Mrs. Amy Deibert and Mrs. Frank Seneker sang, Sweet Bye and Bye and Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, accompanied by Mrs. J. Victor McCandless.
Burial was in Union Highland cemetery and pall bearers were Frank Ventress, Enos Blankenship, Frank Abbott, Ed Jagger, Ed Spalding and H. N. Wells, all neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Wood in the West End .
Flower bearers were Mesdames J. C. Bugher, E. V. Roberts, John Kendrick, Frank Ventress, Charles McCandless and J. H. Moore. 
Neva (I192)
18247 TIB

Seal to Parents: @I224@ 
Bickmore, Ellery McArthur (I4)
18248 TIB

Seal to Parents: @I224@ 
Orgill, Leah (I5)
18249 Time served in Continental Service - 4 years 6 months and 10 days. Highest grade Tec 5. Served as a Truck Driver Light 345. Edwards, Vivian E (I2)
18250 Time served in Foreign Service 1 year, 5 months and 25 days. Edwards, Vivian E (I2)

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