

1870 US Census for Walter Harder Household

Rhodes Valley, Summit, Utah

In the household:
Walter Harder, 47, Farmer, born in England [Willet]
Adaline, 47, Keeping House, born in England [Ann]
Harvey, 14, at Home, born in England [Henry]
Sarah, 27, Keeping House, born in England
Prescilla, 3, at School, born in Utah [Pamilla]
Mary, 78, Keeping House, born in England
Samuel Spicer, 65, Laborer, born in England [Stephen]

Some names in the household are correct, but most do not match quite right. However, the ages and places of birth line up as they should. Willet Harder was living with his 2 wives (Ann and Sarah) and 2 children (Henry and Pamilla). Also in his household is Stephen [Samuel] Spicer, who is the father of Sarah. Stephen dies in Summmit County in 1872.

File nameharder-willet-shave-1822-1902-census-1870-summit-utah.jpg
File Size985.92k
Dimensions1500 x 2147
Linked toHenry Harris Harder; Pamilla Ann Harder; Willet Shave Harder; Ann Kearley; Sarah Spicer; Stephen Spicer