

1845 Board of Land Commissioners approval of Certificate No. 300 Class 4 for Willis Johnson

Republic of Texas - County of Washington - No. 300 Class 4

This is to certify that James B. Wells assigned of Willis Johnson has appeared before us the Board of Land Commissioners for the County aforesaid and proved according to Laws that the said Johnson arrived to this Republic prior to the year eighteen hundred and forty two that he was then a married man and having never received a certificate for the quantity of lands for which he applies, is Entitled to Six Hundred and forty acres of land he having proved to us that he has resided three years in the Republic and performed all the duties required of him as a citizen.

Given under our hands at Brenham this the 29th day of September 1845.

File namewillis-johnson-1806-1853-washington-county-land.jpg
File Size470.75k
Dimensions900 x 1133
Linked toWillis F. Johnson